Example sentences of "[adv] i [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 " Mostly I just lie there .
2 But mostly I just do n't go out .
3 ‘ But mostly I simply help with the residents — you know , organise activities and outings , that sort of thing .
4 I feel all right I just want to get the surgery over with now
5 Luckily I only see him one to three times a year — when I need money usually .
6 This is not to dismiss the problems of realisation and effective demand that Luxemburg pointed to , rather I merely point out that equilibrium growth is possible even with a rising organic composition of capital .
7 Well yes you can but if anyone refuses U B er I S rather I always give them a leaflet .
8 Now lastly I just want to mention the what we call the P R interview , and two or three aspects of this .
9 Only I never feel safe when I 'm around you .
10 " Only I definitely need the wedding-dress . "
11 Tell you about it some time ( perhaps I already have ! )
12 Perhaps I simply raise my hand .
13 Perhaps I just like having the advantage , ’ he returned silkily .
14 Perhaps I just see things , make things up ?
15 Perhaps I never read Paradise Lost as carefully as I should have , ’ he said .
16 Perhaps I sometimes do that job inadequately , in the view of any Conservative commentator .
17 Obviously I strongly believe that industry has to be modernised — none of us is against that — but during the Government 's term of office the restructuring in many of our industries has been far too savage .
18 extent erm but obviously I also want to earn some money .
19 So it 's a very great honour and privilege for me to address you today because at the end it may be difficult for you to understand but when I return to South Africa , and forgive me for speaking personally I also realize the full meaning of the support of British trade unions and the labour movement and the churches because it was because of your political material and particularly in the case of the G M B , financial and material support that it gave us the means to do what some of us wanted to do about our country and our situation , and bring about change if we could peacefully .
20 There is no right or wrong way and personally I always take a briefcase with me because there you have the tools of my trade in there .
21 Personally I often delight in some of these excursions of W's — but I wo n't ‘ approve ’ of them .
22 The CF 1 is for those who prefer a closed face reel — personally I only use one on canals when squatt fishing , but I know a lot of good anglers prefer them for all float fishing .
23 So I not blame those people here in Britain who support the war and who hope that the allies win .
24 So on the form there in front of you , you see there are please delete anything which is inappropriate , so I just assume you want them all unless you say .
25 She 's reluctant to go back in her own bed , so I just point her over me shoulder and lay and said get on with it an insult .
26 So I just put up with it , and worked it .
27 So I just put up there Right I 've got everything there .
28 So I just put it on just to tick
29 So I just put you on it .
30 So I just put mixed , school , male and female , mixed strangers
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