Example sentences of "[adv] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 l he vehicles entered the western end of this northern bay , and the coach body was lifted off its bogies and placed on moving carriers , the wheels removed from the bogies , the bogies then also placed on carriers parallel with its body and moved alongside it through the shop at the same pace , that of one vehicle every forty minutes .
2 It 's such a wonderful thing and gives out such heat that I spend quite a lot of my time sitting alongside it in the kitchen .
3 It has a horizontal division across its pupil which effectively gives it four eyes — the two lower halves for seeing underwater , the two upper for doing so in air — and the fish can swim along the surface looking for food above and below it at the same time .
4 Whether one could go further and show that any particular process was specific to a particular memory , in that it represented it and only it within the brain , remained to be seen .
5 so it throughout the year
6 The ruwang , who is with the men outside the house , chants with the ruwahu , who is inside it with the women .
7 In the village he had noticed an old crumbling building with the word ‘ SCHOOL ’ outside it , and he had seen children a little younger than himself disappear inside it in the mornings then reappear sometime in the afternoon .
8 Alice put the telephone down carefully , and looked at herself in the small , oval mirror hanging above it on the wall .
9 The brown teapot with a slightly broken spout sat like a cold little sentinel on the hob , jackdaws rustled above it in the chimney .
10 It is said that Mr Shamir appointed Rehavam Zeevi , who runs a party called Moledat ( Homeland ) , as minister-without-portfolio in his inner cabinet mainly for coalition reasons : he wanted to increase his narrow majority and to avoid being attacked from outside it by the extreme right .
11 Altogether it is an exceptional object , and I know of nothing else quite like it within the range of binoculars .
12 Or does he refuse to go near it for the rest of the session and become unsettled ?
13 I knew the first time was seldom ideal and I wanted to get past it to the second and third times , and all the times after that , when our love could go forward and mature and develop .
14 It was all sorted out after some confusion and a lot of ill-feeling ; the BMW people moved their boat forward so cars and trailers could get past it to the road .
15 He eyed the sword-point warily before peering past it to the body on the floor .
16 The receptionist at the hotel had given him a key to the front door and his mind was a chaotic mixture of emotions and thoughts as he walked past it towards the shore .
17 And that 's just about it for the basic framework of the publication .
18 Leaping over fallen worshippers , Ace made for the sedan chair , but was forced to dive for cover when Richmann appeared from behind it with the Winchester drawn .
19 In terms of the effect on potential parties , an argument advanced by the petitioners was that the notion of ‘ involuntary agency ’ was an established part of the lex fori , and to disapply it in the case of foreign defendants would be to give such defendants an advantage denied to their domestic counterparts .
20 I can hot it on the hob . ’
21 Oh come on Christopher come and sometimes it in the right panel , that 's the right panel there and then it goes in the left hand and then it goes to the right hand and then it goes to the left then right , the left , the right , left , right , left , confusing , but it 's that hand to start with
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