Example sentences of "[adv] and [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 I had located the dreaded Carol easily enough and reclaiming the pendant had been a piece of cake , well , a piece of more than cake , actually .
2 Slipping inside and closing the door , he switched on the light and examined his surroundings .
3 He urged her forward , turning her towards the passenger door of the sleek Jaguar before handing her inside and closing the door .
4 Also they are arrows , pointing outwards and confirming the concavity of each side .
5 I lay there , half crying and pretending not to be hurt , as Charlie continued to pace , flinging flowered clothes into the street below and discussing the possibility of a police force being set up to arrest and imprison rock guitarists who bent their knees while they played .
6 The 6,020 square-metre terrace is capped by three unequal cones , admitting light to the areas below and symbolising the classic triad of the visual arts : architecture , painting and sculpture .
7 I understand that one of the frontagers is considering removing the cobbles entirely and tarmacing the area in front of his house .
8 One further adopted measure thus was to offset the carriageway or create a chicane by using planting on one side only and switching the right-angle parking from one side to the other ( Figure 6.50 ) .
9 In no time at all , the fire was blazing cheerfully , the curtains were drawn against the night , and Beth was pouring the water from the kettle into the bath ; a spill of cold water from the ewer , then another drop from the kettle , and the water was just the right temperature , the warm steam rising nicely and filling the room with a comfortable warm smell .
10 Another day a gang of convicts , chained together and bearing the mark of the broad arrow , clank along the platform en route for Portland , Dartmoor or Warwick …
11 Lily was proudly going through her steak and kidney pie recipe and they were both working together and preparing the meal .
12 ACET believes that specialist and volunteer home care is a vital factor in helping to keep families together and lessening the trauma involved when family members are diagnosed HIV positive .
13 This , however , only reflects the complexity of the area and the difficulties of bringing together and understanding the diverse responses of individuals .
14 Teachers taught pupils how to make use of this environment by structuring collaborative work , supporting pupils in working together and demonstrating the purposes and processes of collaboration .
15 Without government aid , argue the pro-regionalists , depressed areas disintegrate socially , with the young and the skilled moving away and leaving the old and the unskilled behind ; families and communities thus suffer socially .
16 As usual , Mick checked underneath and around the Land Rover , locking everything away and tightening the ropes on the tarpaulin trailer-cover .
17 She turned away and carrying the basket with great care , walked on up the road to Tace Way .
18 She kisses me , then she 's out , slipping on the dressing-gown and padding away and clicking the door closed behind her .
19 Visiting a centre for disabled toddlers , above And stroking the head of a patient at Great Ormond Street children 's hospital , below
20 Launching the board and rig complete ; introduction to the beach start ; coming ashore and positioning the board
21 John Simon found Dustin ‘ always endearing with that sour-grapefruit face and voice of his , both of which , paradoxically , ooze the juice of human kindness ’ , while David Thomson thought that Dustin ‘ was near his best , managing old age easily and riding the picaresque adventures of a put-upon outcast all the better because of his own denial of starriness .
22 The Conservative government has been committed to increasing the role of market forces generally and reducing the role of the state in the economy .
23 There is always a closed circle of suspects ( so there can be no question of someone unconnected with the setting coming in from outside and doing the deed , as might well happen in " real life " ) and each of these suspects has to have a credible motive as well as reasonable opportunity of committing the crime and reasonable access to the means with which it was committed .
24 ‘ What do you think ? ’ the Captain asked Marshal Guarnaccia once they were outside and walking the two or three yards back to Headquarters .
25 Lots are drawn to see which lucky members will have a horse or pony to compete on , and the excited youngsters have to be forcibly restrained from arriving at the stables before 5am and disturbing the local residents with their assiduous preparations .
26 Until the manner in which such goods are dispersed within regions is better understood we can only assume , at present , that places with very high consumption are also the points of distribution where a paramount controlled such prestige exchange , consuming most locally and allowing the passage of a little to other places .
27 Whenever the cannon is fired the noise rebounds inside , making the whole machine vibrate furiously and churning the stomachs and brains of the crew .
28 The corkscrew tore the flesh at the side of the man 's nose before skewing into his eye again , gouging the torn sphere badly and tearing the lower eyelid .
29 The emphasis of the book from now on is of a pragmatic nature , but I hope it is a sanctified pragmatism applied to operating within and shaping the contemporary manifestations of the Church of Christ .
30 As Buckley points out , it is also the rough who penetrate the virgin city — the British fleet , breaking the boom across the river to bring food supplies to the stricken protestants within and ensuring the city 's survival and the faithful people 's triumph .
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