Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 While nineteenth-century Catholic teaching had been suspicious of ‘ human rights ’ discourse , John embraced it eagerly and made it a central theme , greatly extending the range and number of ‘ rights ’ , including those of minorities ( 95–7 ) and refugees ( 103–8 ) .
2 I approached it eagerly and touched it .
3 He took the paper eagerly and folded it carefully into his wallet .
4 If that council harboured its resources sensibly and deployed them effectively , it would be able to spend them in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggests .
5 When his lips came back to hers , Jenna was soft and pliant , no resistance in her at all , and he rolled on to his back , pulling her over him fiercely and cupped her hot face in strong fingers .
6 Christina decided he looked happy enough and left him to enjoy himself .
7 So one day my girlfriend just had enough and told them to fuck off .
8 He was pleasant enough and told her all she needed to know .
9 He had drunk enough and wished he had n't .
10 When he felt he had said enough and made us laugh enough , he went back to his dressing room .
11 Do n't I get old enough and did me best perhaps he might change his mind
12 Well erm if I 'm crystal ball gazing , I would hope that all the women in this country , whatever their colour and whatever their class , would have access to first-class provision for their young children , so that if they wished to work they could actually work in jobs that paid them enough and gave them job satisfaction .
13 In fact , the skirmish never took place because the enemy crossed the river further upstream and took their objective ‘ by the back-door ’ .
14 With this , she once more wrapped up warmly and made her way to the stable .
15 So he received Tess warmly and asked her how her family were .
16 We drove into Sligo , where Peter shook my hand warmly and wished me luck .
17 The scriptwriter — a trim , balding man in his fifties with a moustache — squeezed Dexter 's hand a little too warmly and gave him a serious smile of appraisal .
18 We even paid a surprise visit to Corsham , where Rosemary and Clifford Ellis welcomed us warmly and invited me to give a series of lectures and classes .
19 He grinned suddenly and touched her cheek lightly with his fingers .
20 He thrust his face close to hers suddenly and made her jump , pulling her round so that she was close and more aware than she ever wanted to be again of his dominant masculinity .
21 He turned suddenly and saw her and she was held motionless by his gaze , caught without any hope of escape , mesmerised by the power and intensity of his whole being .
22 Images from her dreams charged into her consciousness suddenly and curtained her away from reality .
23 Then , as she skewered him with a look of pure detestation , he reached out suddenly and caught her by the wrists .
24 Theda stopped still suddenly and faced him .
25 Then he stood up suddenly and snapped his fingers .
26 As Estella was leading me along the dark passages , she stopped suddenly and put her face close to mine .
27 Trouble is , I do n't know what he 'd do - " He broke off suddenly and turned his head away , whispering , " My father , my father , my father … " in a way so bitter and desperate that she turned to him and held him ; and although they had already stayed far longer than on previous nights , she had a sudden foreboding of events , so that she needed to love him again , now ; and a little while later , without thinking of the danger , she cried out with the joy of him : a single shriek in the night that echoed in the trees below the house and was followed by a strange , almost tangible silence .
28 He moved suddenly and grabbed her arm , just above the wrist .
29 Well my there 's never any please , there 's never any thank you , there 's nothing , I mean there are are n't they , when he was saying that all he 's done for her and they virtually like turned their back on them , he got out in all those winds and weather were n't it , but , we built there and he come out apparently and said I do n't want you having anything else to do with my kids ,
30 He shone his torch inside and saw nothing amiss .
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