Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Optimistic that they were on the right track , but aware that much still had to be done , first thing on the morning of Monday , 13 March Fleischmann sent a fax to Harwell and then talked on the phone the next day remarking that their information was incomplete , that they had much more to do before they would be confident enough and expressing irritation that they were being ‘ rushed into premature publication ’ .
2 As you eat better and become slimmer you will automatically find activity more enjoyable .
3 A conscious decision is needed to get government out of things the private sector does better and to concentrate government on the basic things that only governments can do .
4 He says that labour would offer a partnership with industry , working alongside and promoting training and investment .
5 For full walk continue forward across moorland on prominent track which ascends gently and passes stone table after ½ mile .
6 The approach is easy , forward down gently and landing number one is acceptable .
7 Major competitions are held annually and provide sport for the participants and a colourful spectacle for the landlubber .
8 1 ( a ) From Moot Hall cross to Mill Inn opposite and take road to left of it , signposted A12 .
9 The broker , Tunc Kunter , brought to London Mr Yenici and Mrs Hatice Anutkan , who had been left to raise two children alone and wanted money to meet debts .
10 It is through these means that the people , our people , all the people in this city many of them bound together and then able to go out and think about their civic lives if you like , their civic , the way th that this council works perhaps and take part much more in just go in and putting little crosses on pieces of paper maybe .
11 top management need to devote a minimum of four full days a year to preparing data personally and having face to face meetings with one or more levels of employees to communicate crucial messages .
12 The Sunday show at Earl 's Orchard starts at 1pm and includes dog and falconry displays , a Land-Rover obstacle race , barrel race and clownabout .
13 A fortnight before leaving home my sister had developed mumps , but with the advice of two Harley Street specialists to proceed , I did so and hoped fate would be kind .
14 But there is only one variable , with these properties in row 1 , so and removing edge to breaks the path from to .
15 If the result be unjust but inevitable , the judge may say so and invite Parliament to reconsider its provision .
16 As a consequence of this you are tempted to either stop your regime entirely and remain fat , or start a crash diet .
17 DeMarco regards these techniques as in the realm of analysis only and considers design to be a separate process where the analyst uses his experience and imagination to ‘ invent ’ a new system .
18 This is a three-year degree available to graduates only and allowing specialisation in one or two fields of study after completion of a basic two-year core covering all subjects .
19 These empowered local authorities to clear and reconstruct unhealthy areas , with powers to purchase compulsorily and to limit compensation .
20 Objectively , it is true that Okapi nearly always retrieves as much as or more than LIBERTAS , but LIBERTAS sometimes outputs records in a more sensible order , keeping editions of the same work together and taking word adjacency into account in the weighting procedure ( so that records containing the actual search statement come out first ) .
21 Most importantly , you have to get in touch once more with the very real couple who laughed together and made love just for the pleasure of it .
22 The principle which animates these planes — holds them together and establishes communication between them — can be visualized as the life force or vital force , the Prana of the Hindus , or the Ch'i energy of the Chinese , that elusive something which departs at death .
23 Some have found considerable levels of cross-class marriage in the nineteenth century ( Penn , 1985 ) and we might speculate that the concentration of female employment in the office brings women from diverse backgrounds together and blurs class lines as people seek partners .
24 Another April shower swept over them , a heavy one , so that they all gathered together and took shelter under an old yew .
25 all sorts of managing business and they had to work together and to hold group organisations .
26 Tie the cords together and fix cleat in position .
27 The book is also an attempt to link together and blend theory , policy and practice in the belief that well-informed policy and practice are likely not only to be more sensitive to the realities of clients ' lives and needs , but also more cost effective in the long term .
28 In one , gimmel and G had to go in one pile and mem and M in another ; a further task required the subjects to put mem and G together and to put gimmel with M.
29 The best is to obtain juveniles from a number of sources , rear them together and let nature take its course .
30 I like flowing things , things that flow together and make sense , so that 's how I write .
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