Example sentences of "[adv] the time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 George funnily enough the time that we did a course with I P R before
2 Er so I mean they were in use more or less all the time but er it was it was n't , it was n't too bad , better than a lot of hospitals had .
3 So to while away the time while they waited for dark again they sat in a back room and fiished the waistcoat .
4 She decided to while away the time until her family arrived by going through some reports .
5 To while away the time and take my mind off Félix , I read the names of the Métro stations off the chart on the carriage wall : Danube , Bolivar , Rome , Bir Hakeim , Jasmin … .
6 In our society , children often reach adolescence at just the time that their mothers are going through the menopause .
7 The resources for training programmes are available in the form of premises , training staff and ideas — it is just the time that is missing to allow staff to participate ’ …
8 Immigrants from the New Commonwealth arrived at just the time that Britain lost an empire and with it her position in the world .
9 It 's just the time that really , you know , I just wan na get home .
10 Well , this is just the time and the place — and the audience — for a comeback . ’
11 ‘ But this is hardly the time or the place … ’
12 ‘ But the middle of a courtroom in front of a judge was hardly the time or the place . ’
13 The first is the relationship ; as we have seen , people are only prepared to talk openly to those who they feel are genuinely concerned , and who have both the time and the interest to understand .
14 Judy Bathurst studied art as a student at Leeds University , but it was not until ten years ago , when she went to live in Tuscany , that she found both the time and the inspiration to develop her talent .
15 Oh , lu , lunch is served outs , outside , and erm , you all have had details of your special interest meetings , both the time and location , please make sure you check those on the notice board outside .
16 All I can do is let you know nearer the time if this is the case .
17 It was also the time that the National Joint Action Committee for Women 's Equal Rights had been formed .
18 On 23 September 1954 Blake married his secretary Gillian Allan and on 14 April 1955 he was posted to West Berlin , just about the time that the Berlin tunnel became operational .
19 Once a nest was parasitised , mortality among the legitimate nest occupants was generally higher , especially just about the time that the minnows laid their eggs .
20 Just about the time that Dougie started er building substantially in the town and doubled to population to its present six and a half thousand or so .
21 The fossil history.of earth suggests that we have about a billion years — one ‘ aeon ’ , to use a convenient modern definition — to play with , for this is roughly the time that elapsed between the origin of the Earth about 4.5 billion years ago and the era of the first fossil organisms .
22 At precisely the time that the Party leadership was extolling the horse as a modern and fuel-saving means of transport , it was also planning to increase the journey-times of the rural population and make them more dependent on motor transport — or perhaps to shorten the time they had left to themselves , to sleep , think and so on .
23 The first Qumran-style desert community was established by Pachomius around 320 — at precisely the time that the Pauline orthodoxy of Rome was gaining official sanction for itself from Constantine .
24 This , however , was precisely the time that Guntram and Childebert were in dispute over Marseilles .
25 Morais and Bertelson therefore carried out an experiment in which the apparent spatial localisation of a sound source was achieved by manipulating either the time or the intensity difference of the same stimulus heard at the two ears .
26 Bunny did n't feel it was either the time or the place to mention the half-dozen empty aspirin bottles strewn about the floor of the phone box — their contents were later found heaped like so many loose sweets in the bottom of her handbag — or that she had ‘ popped out ’ in the middle of the scene in Cleopatra 's boudoir .
27 Moreover it is unlikely that respondents would have either the time or experience to make a thorough appraisal of the information presented in the leaflet .
28 She did n't have either the time or the inclination to hold ‘ receptions ’ — whatever they might be — but when she returned home at night , exhausted from her day in the City , she never failed to appreciate the deep sense of peaceful calm and serenity of the large , thickly carpeted room .
29 He was mentioned in despatches , for having displayed the same casual courage his companions had remarked on before the war as he pursued his favourite pastime of mountaineering ( he had neither the time nor patience for golf and was reckoned by devotees to be only a fair-weather fisherman ) .
30 At Bletchley I had begun to satisfy , however pathetically and inadequately , a desire to see the world about me , but then had neither the time nor the money nor the opportunity for anything other than very restricted local journeys .
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