Example sentences of "[adv] after the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Right after the holidays Austin , Texas-based SES will unwrap SES/objectbench , an object-oriented analysis ( OOA ) toolset for developing OOA models for technical systems and commercial applications .
2 Right after the explosion , on January 8th , the prime minister said the bomber had to be found within two weeks .
3 Come over with the refugees , right after the revolution .
4 Right after the A T traffic management has , has temporary release .
5 And because patients can get up and exercise right after the operation , the muscles never have a chance to stiffen up . ’
6 But whether an inexperienced schoolboy can be all right after the type of traumatic experience to which he has just been subjected I would not care to say .
7 Turn right after the Park Wall stile ( a farm called Park Wall once stood here ) .
8 I figured the last interview I 'd given them , right after the bombing of Flight 103 , had probably been the root cause of why my life had been turned inside out , and I was n't looking for any more trouble .
9 Like , right after the Hüskers broke up I had so much I wanted to say musically and doubted that anyone would ever want to hear it .
10 She remembers setting up her first home , right after the war .
11 Alternatively , it may be suggested that the question was how much the French should have been asked to concede ; and even if the critical time , ( according to Edmund Gullion , ) was ‘ right after the Elysee agreements of March 1949 ’ and for all the complaint that ‘ South-East Asia 's policy has been junked ’ , and dismay at Acheson 's ‘ French captivity , a closer inspection suggests that there may not in fact have been all that much difference in the assumptions upon which different parts of the State Department were operating .
12 The section at the back — these three pages — could go here , right after the statement from the Chairman .
13 And besides the coincidence of his getting a new handler , without explanation , right after the disaster , Coleman could not help remembering the schoolboy password routine he had been given on joining the DIA .
14 She was anxious to see him the moment he arrived , and make sure he was all right after the trauma of the interview with the insurance investigator .
15 Furious Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson argued it should have been called an incomplete pass and made his point forcibly after the Redskins ' 20-17 victory .
16 However , no effects were seen on prostacyclin production acutely after the start of insulin treatment .
17 He waved weakly after the car but he did not speak as Rose shut the door and they turned back into the house .
18 The collection , besides its dynastic accumulations , does in fact owe a great deal to an ancestor , the aggressive collector Freiherr von Lassberg ( d. 1855 ) who was fired by distant German history and bought widely after the secularisation of religious institutions in the region of Lake Constance .
19 The turning is a little after the village of Gan , where there is a tastery and a large cave coopérative where you can buy your Jurançon on trust , without troubling to check on the nearby vineyards .
20 We chatted a little after the movie and well out over the Atlantic at 37,000ft I commented that a lot of my consultancy work was with the British Conservative Party .
21 But her third visit came a little after the Cyprus coup , when British Immigration officers started suspecting all Cypriots of being potential immigrants .
22 A little after the end of the war when people were beginning to relax and reminisce about blackouts and air-raids , yesterday 's terror and agony only adding a little zest to the stones .
23 My leg , which never mended properly after the accident , has not liked being cooped and cramped and bound , and like a mistreated animal it has turned against its master , making itself all pain .
24 Sub-set variable is listed numerically after the base part , with cross-reference to the parent assembly/s .
25 All Pullman-car attendants were traditionally called ‘ George ’ , presumably after the name of the founder of the company .
26 Immediately after this big moment the earth is convulsed with horror we have Eve 's first speech , presumably after the fall the first speech in a state of sin , and this is it ‘ Oh sovereign virtuous , precious of all trees in Paradise , of operation blest to sapinense hitherto obscured in famed and thy fair fruit let hang as to not end created , but henceforth my early care not without song each morning and dew/due pray shall tend thee and the fertile burden ease of thy full branches offered free to all .
27 The famous letter from the archbishop of Rheims to Baldwin V of Flanders , praising him for his activities in draining and ditching the coastal areas ( presumably after the Dunkirk inundation of 1014–42 had at last subsided ) is explicit evidence of an interest in agricultural expansion .
28 During the thirties ( presumably after the end of prohibition ) this was replaced by the can sealed by crimping and with the label printed directly on to the metal ( figure 7.3d ) .
29 Their influence declined only slowly after the war because British military operations continued around the world as Britain at first struggled to retain her empire , and then , after Suez , fought to bring about a prudent and dignified withdrawal from colonial responsibility .
30 Indeed it is now clear that the Court of Appeal may on appeal even exercise a power conferred on the court below after the date of the judgment against which the appeal is lodged ( Attorney-General v.
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