Example sentences of "[adv] now they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everything takes twice as long now they got so much data on the computers . ’
2 Rats ransacked their nests so now they shun us .
3 Now one hundred and nineteen for four , Tufnell bowls this one , forward goes and the ball trickles up towards and another maiden over so now they 've had sixteen overs , ten maidens for seventeen and er I think in the old days you would have been quite proud of those figures erm Victor .
4 So now they 've got it sorted out to one pound between three of them .
5 So now they walk in finest silk which many a woman in England would give much to obtain .
6 So now they wan na use those props for negative things . ’
7 And they have held their own popular vote , not in an assembly , as that would have been too dangerous , but going round the community asking their opinion , so now they have " elected " a very courageous woman whom they want to be their Mayoress when the FDR-FMLN take power .
8 Only now they went nowhere !
9 He admitted the Council had begun slowly , but said that was inevitable , and that bishops would work better now they had come to understand different points of view .
10 Anyway now they spot check .
11 Just now they had been utterly careless about the noise they made in the hay .
12 Of course they would mourn for Renascia and remember all of the good things about it , only just now they had other things to concentrate on .
13 they 're gon na stop soon now they 've got a house .
14 They used to be a real rough lot as I believe they are still now they 've still got a name today they
15 When they were very expensive I just bought two for us to change a bit and then I thought right now they dropped half and then I bought some more
16 I 'll have a bet with you right now they do n't go throughout the season unbeaten .
17 ‘ There are many collectors in Lithuania and Czechoslovakia and right now they need money more than they need art ’ .
18 And right now they see so sign of any improvement .
19 But now now they 've realized that they need more than one receptionist to cover the early hours and later hours .
20 Working on a Switchboard — particularly London , where the phone rings as soon as you put it down even now they have five lines — is a continuous education and a continual reminder of your own privileged position and relative security in the gay ghetto .
21 Even now they do not need peeling : a wash is enough .
22 Even now they talk among themselves to hide their embarrassment .
23 ten years ago now they took out these tremendous mortgages because their wages had trebled , it , it about a ten year period , you know when the boom was on
24 Maybe now they 've proved they 've got ‘ the skills to pay the bills ’ they can get down to the serious shit they 're obviously capable of .
25 At least now they had something in common .
26 Shadow housing spokesman John Battle said : ‘ They have been forced into it , but at least now they realise they have to do something .
27 This is twice now they 've done this to us .
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