Example sentences of "[adv] than [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Only a total abolitionist , like Clark , Linzey , or Regan , opposed to any killing of animals for human purposes ( other perhaps than in self-defence ) , could have serious objections to it .
2 Macbeth and Lady Macbeth act much more happily together than in play
3 Employment prospects were also at least as good and in some cases slightly better than for school leaver entrants .
4 Got a bit grazed on the coral , but the national health service here better than at home !
5 Fifthly , to introduce something not so far mentioned , the objection may include the idea that if our causal thought did rest on the given conception of a causal circumstance , we should be able to do well at prediction better than in fact we do .
6 Kalmia augustifolia had spread rapidly , being left undisturbed to sucker , a method of propagation he considered better than by seed ; a Cephalanthus occidentalis , the largest he had seen , ‘ liked the situation well enough ’ and Itea virginica was ‘ in the greatest vigour ’ .
7 But if I was going to have to disillusion the boy , I thought it kinder to do it personally than by letter , and I invited him to come to the studios to see the programme and have a drink .
8 To some extent , though less so than with survey researchers , the same spirit informed the early exponents of participant observation .
9 In this fluid , almost post-modern world , the concept of storing records in perpetuity for long-term administrative or research use is almost completely alien , and no more so than in IT units .
10 Farmers are under pressure from tough legislation in many areas of agriculture , but nowhere more so than in slurry disposal .
11 In summary , the decline and concentration of rural services has hit the most deprived sections of rural society hardest , and nowhere is this more so than in health care , where the closure of rural health facilities has meant that those in greatest need , women , the old , and the poor , now have least access to the services they need ( Haynes and Bentham , 1979 ) .
12 No more so than in sociology .
13 In general , this is a general point , the ionic selectivity of such channels is much less than for voltage gated channels .
14 It occurred to him that he had reached the age when a man looks forward to his pleasures less keenly than in youth but is disproportionately aggrieved when his plans are upset .
15 Currently , practice data are standardised for age by converting list sizes to prescribing units and prescribing costs are expressed per prescribing unit rather than per patient .
16 This irregular plural ending may occur when the word comes directly into English from Latin rather than via French .
17 This irregular plural ending may occur when the word comes directly into English from Latin rather than via French .
18 His distress could have been alleviated with treatment far earlier if he had been diverted into the hospital system straight from the police station , or direct from the court , rather than via prison .
19 Hodge had pursued policies from his arrival in Korea designed to strengthen the opposition to communism and to move away from rather than towards cooperation with the Soviet Union .
20 The existence of the process element means that evaluation is usually oriented towards detection of need for change rather than towards choice between temporally co-existing alternatives .
21 It will be far better for us all if we move towards a greater understanding of each other rather than towards Clause 28 and all that .
22 It has been suggested that Truman was influenced more by a determination to warn the Soviet Union and to compel cooperation in eastern Europe rather than to procure Japanese surrender in itself .
23 Further problems highlighted by the chapter are the failure to recognize ethnic diversity and differences ( Asian is used to describe people from' India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , for example ) ; over-simplification of correlations and exclusion of environmental and societal influences ( e.g. attributing a black child 's intellectual and emotional impairment to parenting rather than to school and/or other family and community ) .
24 Get it to analyse specific behaviour and situations rather than to censure you as a person .
25 The mayors ' plan , targeting $35 billion in fiscal assistance , public works , community development black grants , job training , and low-interest small-business loans , has been taken up in Congress where it has met the famous legislated ‘ wall ’ , which prevents shift of military funds to social programmes rather than to deficit reduction .
26 This , in fact , referred to the sequestration of a clerk 's benefice by the bishop rather than to excommunication , but its principle was all-embracing and even included the servants of royal servants .
27 The easiest way to solve the problem is to feed a high-fat , complete food which has been scientifically balanced for the working/hyperactive dog , rather than to play around with the ingredients yourself .
28 And secondly , priority for the milk which is available , and which is strictly distributed by the Milk Marketing Board , is given to normal milk suppliers or to sectors whose products have a limited shelf-life , such as yoghurt-makers , rather than to cheese or butter manufacturers .
29 For the latter it is better to buy a tape , or to make your own , and listen to that , rather than to try to do it yourself as you go along .
30 If we are to explore the actual and perceived experiences of students , it may be better to work from their views rather than to try to squeeze them into some predetermined mould through questionnaires and attitude Inventories .
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