Example sentences of "[adv] there have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet obviously there have to be reasons why people with talent oozing out of them do n't fulfil it .
2 Obviously there has to be ‘ give and take ’ on both sides ; for example , I would not expect to be guaranteed a space for the cycle if I turned up without a reservation .
3 Obviously there has to be guidelines but we find cycling very compatible with quiet enjoyment of the forest .
4 So there had to be a slit or something .
5 So there had to be
6 So there had to be another way .
7 So there has to be something in the world answering to the general predicate , just as there is something answering to the name .
8 So there has to be another black box , does n't there ?
9 What is now worrying us extremely about Local Government in Britain , in any Labour Authority , which is spreading now like a cancer in , that officers are not trusted now to even take the sick list of decisions so there has to be another sub-committee .
10 What is now worrying us extremely about Local Government in Britain , in any Labour Authority , which is spreading now like a cancer in , that officers are not trusted now to even take the sick list of decisions so there has to be another sub-committee .
11 And of course heating your house in the middle of the night is not what everybody wants , so there has to be an attractive price to persuade people to do that and to invest in the storage heaters , hence the half price electricity .
12 So there has to be — and we always exaggerate that space a bit .
13 Thus there has to be some degree of policy enthusiasm for prevention and outpatient services if the dominance of hospital inpatient beds over the care system is to change in any one administrative area .
14 Thus there has to be some mechanism that would eliminate the very large effective cosmological constant and so change the rate of expansion from an accelerated one to one that is slowed down by gravity , as we have today .
15 As with any catalogue , it 's not enough just to add new items to attract new customers — the items already there have to be reviewed and updated to make sure that they continue to meet today 's needs and standards .
16 The process of adjustment to a new life-style has to be worked through , but gradually there has to be self-discovery and a move to new activities .
17 I realize that , but I think that also there has to be one man particularly who means something special to you — ’
18 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
19 And and er obviously if you 're going to be European properly there has to be a full cooperation in many of the aspects of life How would you answer the these bogey this bogeyman tactic of loss of sovereignty , ?
20 At the same time , one introduces the idea of thermal energy , heat , and in many situations the requirement is in fact is to start from energy in one form , such as heat from burning oil , to satisfy a requirement for energy in another form , in other words mechanical energy — the turning of a shaft — so somewhere there has to be a device which converts the heat energy into mechanical energy .
21 Well there has to be a place .
22 Well there has to be the odd one that 'll take over Peter .
23 Fabia felt the most unexpected warm glow inside that surely there had to be a compliment in there somewhere ?
24 If you had to explain anything to someone else , then there had to be something you were both sure of , some place to start , and Masklin was n't sure that there was any place like that around Shrub .
25 But initially there had to be a real , genuine erm working class revolution and therefore Marx looked first to England because we were the most advanced and we 'd been in the business of running capitalism for s so much longer than any other country in the world .
26 Software designers will never agree to a standard format for the data in their programs so instead there has to be another piece of software that will bundle the information into a standard format to enable it to be transmitted to another computer .
27 Either there have to be bilateral agreements between the competition-policy authorities in different economies , or they have to cede the authority to act to a supranational body .
28 As a man who spent 17 years in local government I have a sense of shame that yet again there has to be another attempt to reform local government finance , due to the incompetence , extravagance and doctrinaire opposition to competitive tendering of Labour councils .
29 Decisions then emerge in ways more complex than that posited by Quinn ( 1978 , 1980 ) and yet there has to be a justification of major decisions made both inside and outside the organization .
30 Ultimately there had to be added to the list her marital problems .
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