Example sentences of "[noun prp] [be] [verb] more " in BNC.

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1 So therefore Mr Deputy Speaker in conclusion , what I 'd say to the minister is , number one do we really need this order at all ? because why should we have extra seats just because Germany are getting more .
2 And schools in Thame are to get more help encouraging pupils to play more football under the Oxford United School Community Programme .
3 Though perhaps outrun in the fame stakes by the likes of Nick Beggs and Alphonso Johnson , Californian Chapman Stick virtuoso Jim Lampi is doing more than most to push back the frontiers of his instrument , in partnership with the latest in high technology .
4 THE Government 's efforts to ensure that all 10 water authorities are successfully floated on the Stock Exchange in December are becoming more than a little disingenuous .
5 British Telecom is planning more job cuts that could lead to the loss of 80,000 staff over five years , unions fear .
6 The report also shows that the NHS is treating more patients than ever before and placing much more emphasis on quality of services .
7 Kim was learning more than she 'd bargained for from the entries : ‘ I had n't realised that the all-in-one body had been such an immensely influential piece .
8 Wainfleet had not avoided the slur that Wickham was giving more attention to his private life than his professional and this accounted for the lack of progress in apprehending MacQuillan 's killer .
9 Mrs Blackham was buttering more buns .
10 By 1800 Spain was producing more wheat at steadier prices than at any time since the sixteenth century .
11 In fact the Faroese are killing more whales than ever .
12 The UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) and UNPROFOR were to designate more protection zones .
13 But Matthew is claiming more than this .
14 They baked cakes and meat pies and wholemeal loaves and they ordered flowers and hoovered the carpets and stairs ; in fact , thought Henry , Donald was getting more ( and higher quality ) attention dead than he ever had alive .
15 By 1990 , Otis was buying more L2 detectors than ‘ R ’ model units .
16 LOZ was revelling more than most , and after the club closed he dragged sexy woolly hat-wearing NME hack SIMON WILLIAMS around the streets of Islington looking for a pot-bellied old man clutching a bottle of champagne as it was ‘ the only way we 'll get a drink at this time in the morning ’ .
17 Glaxo is spending more than S$200m on building a new multi-purpose facility to manufacture the active ingredients for three new medicines to treat nausea , asthma and migraine .
18 The Ringhals nuclear power plant in Sweden is producing more electricity than ever before and currently meets 19% of the nation 's total demand .
19 LEEDS United 's England midfielder David Batty was having more treatment to his injured ankle today .
20 Lawyers for the deposed Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega were granted more time to prepare their defence when , as announced on June 7 , the trial was postponed from July 22 to Sept. 3 , the fourth date to have been set since Noriega was charged in January 1990 .
21 BR is hoping more travellers in Teesside catch the train to Leeds , York and the North-West .
22 16 ) , and with a series of military victories which , as we learn at the end , are God 's doing more than Israel 's ( see vv.
23 These days Charlotte Amalie is getting more excitement than it is used to , or wants .
24 Exit polling showed independent Ross Perot was taking more votes from Mr Bush than from Mr Clinton in several states , which added to the President 's problems .
25 City Council Officials in Oxford are warning more staff are needed to cope with the number of multiple-occupancy homes .
26 This , says Daniel Rahier , assistant director of the European Senior Advisory Group in Biotechnology ( SAGB ) , ‘ means that Europe is becoming more production centred and we are losing our R & D capabilities ’ .
27 The credibility of Defence in the Whitehall market-place was further weakened by three other factors : first , the ‘ bull ’ market enjoyed by the high-spending , socially-orientated departments — Health , Education , Labour and Social Services ; secondly , the failure of our West European allies to match our level of Defence expenditure , thus providing arguments that Britain was doing more than her fair share in collective defence ; and thirdly , trading rivals , like Germany and Japan , honing their competitive edge with lower military expenditure , likewise adding to the consensus view that Britain was overspending on Defence however potent the Soviet military threat might be .
28 Opinion in the Pentagon moved towards the belief that Japan was assuming more importance in global terms and that Japan must remain within the American sphere .
29 Intel are developing more than processors , they are working towards the diskless computer and demonstrated a prototype that included a small capacity solid-state C : drive containing boot information and operating system in Read Only Memory chips and new high capacity ( 40Mb ) removable flash ROM cards for storage of applications and data .
30 But somehow , now that the 34-year-old Yuri is spending more time away from his homeland — touring with the Bolshoi to Europe , America and the Far East , starring in Sleeping Beauty , Romeo & Juliet and Swan Lake , meeting politicians and top businessmen , even being presented to royalty — that shaggy , laid-back image does n't sit so well on his broad shoulders .
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