Example sentences of "[noun prp] [conj] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 German radar at St Marc or lookouts at about this time reported 17 ships , so the coastal batteries were closed up for action against ships .
2 George Kidner came to me in a great state of mind because he has been asked to appear before a committee consisting of C. Bathurst , Peto & C. Mills & sitting at Central Office .
3 Four groups of five nude mice were grafted with MKN45G xenograft tissue and treated with either PBS or histamine at a single concentration of 1 mgkg - 1 day - 1 , locally at the tumour site .
4 For Sequoia users , LightsOut is available from either Sequoia or ClearSpring at prices from $12,000 .
5 I think about the last ones that was taken there was an old man Ramsey that died at er Dalvaine , and they carried him out that way .
6 v. There is nothing that can be in our way , for this is Jekub that Laughs at Barriers , and says brrm-brrm .
7 Connor told Ken that looking at him was like ‘ seeing a mouse in a bag of oats ’ .
8 Once away from the railhead , however , the army was back in the age of Napoleon and moved at the pace of horse and man .
9 That would be a little bit of a problem for Frank Clarke if er Cooper has got a problem with his shoulder you know if it 's if it 's serious because looking at his people on his bench you know Neil Webb and Crosby and looking at the make-up of his team he has n't really got anybody he could slot back in there unless he put er Rozario in there .
10 I take out the photos of me and Marie and look at them .
11 Jaye Davidson wanders into the Ground Floor Bar in Notting Hill and sniffs at the saloon-in-space restyle job with a languid disdain that is only mildly theatrical .
12 Fabricated in CMOS and running at 133MHz , P6 boards will , according to sources , be pitched as high-end building blocks , with spaces for up to four of the 250 MIPS parts .
13 Mind you — - " she jerked her head in the direction of the Russell , which had recently returned from Plymouth and lay at anchor in the Pool , " 'E 's got a lot to answer for .
14 The tunnel will close at 8pm on Friday and reopen at 5am on Monday .
15 Inmos Ltd finally launched the long-delayed T9000 Transputer on Friday and hinted at the next generation ‘ Chameleon ’ technology .
16 He , he was up town with this other girl , holding her hand walked past Lucy and smiled at her !
17 This stage version was directed in Britain by Sir Tyrone Guthrie and performed at the Edinburgh Festival and in London in 1954 .
18 It skirts the Sareks National park to the east , reaches Kebnekaise and ends at Abisko .
19 ‘ She said , ‘ This is what love is for — I 'm coming over , ’ and she set off for Rocamar and arrived at breakfast next day . ’
20 He was born at Godstone in Surrey and educated at Kingston Grammar School and King 's College London .
21 Half an hour later , he went into the Lights of Lisbon and sat at the bar .
22 , Walter ( c. 1558–1643 ) , mathematician and natural philosopher , was born c .1556 in Leicestershire and educated at Oxford ( BA 1579 ) .
23 A social worker by training , his earlier career embraced social work for the deaf in Liverpool and Nottinghamshire and teaching at the North London Polytechnic , where he was tutor in charge of the course leading to a " Certificate in Deaf Studies " .
24 Victoria Avenue and begins at 7.30pm .
25 Employed as ‘ couture assistant ’ to David Emanuel and based at their exclusive Knightsbridge couture salon , Alison-Jayne was involved in all aspects of the couture business .
26 We thought about going down on the saturday and staying at Great Yarmouth and then driving to the match .
27 I wish to run up to the window of the Mercedes and shout at the general sitting there : Wake up , you fat bastard , ca n't you see how you look parading in this cemetery , like some overstuffed SS officer in Birkenau ?
28 He kissed his mother on the cheek , nodded to Becky and turning at the door , saluted his father in the chair , then was gone .
29 Bardot took the overdose on Saturday while staying at her villa near St Tropez with Bernard and friends .
30 Like most true Cornishmen , the Arundells were staunchly Royalist during the troubles , and the sixth Sir John was killed at Plymouth while charging at the head of his troop in 1643 .
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