Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Janet Rogers will become the acting Treasurer until the Annual General Meeting in March 1980 when a new Treasurer will be elected .
2 The round table held its 16th and final session on March 12 when a draft constitution was discussed .
3 The chastened company admitted that the shock loss showed that it had been guilty of poor financial controls and a badly-timed shareholders letter — Vannotti said the board was convinced up to March 22 when the shareholders letter was sent that it would record a profit for 1992 , but he and the chairman subsequently ordered a special audit , after financial controllers warned of problems with the accounts for Ascom 's cable television and mobile telephone businesses in Germany , and a closer examination revealed the German results had to be corrected by $41m — $28m of extraordinary depreciation and $12.8m of adjustments to inventory values , Vannotti said .
4 This protracted crisis began on 17 March 1808 when a mob of soldiers , peasants , and palace grooms forced Charles IV to dismiss Godoy , found hiding in terror in a rolled-up carpet ; two days later another mob forced Charles IV to abdicate in favour of his son , the Prince of Asturias who became Ferdinand VII .
5 The limit had been imposed on Jan. 22 when the controversial withdrawal of high-denomination banknotes was announced .
6 The crackdown started on Jan. 7 when the USSR Defence Ministry ordered divisions of paratroopers into the three Baltic republics , as well as into Armenia , Georgia , Moldavia and parts of the Ukraine , to enforce conscription and round up deserters .
7 The protracted search for a new chairman for the Republican National Committee ( RNC ) — the party 's leading position — ended on Jan. 7 when the presidential press secretary , Marlin Fitzwater , announced that Agriculture Secretary Clayton Yeutter had been chosen for the post by President George Bush .
8 The position of the President-elect Fr Jean-Bertrand Aristide was bolstered on Jan. 7 when the Haitian army crushed an attempted coup d'etat led by Roger Lafontant .
9 In the worst IRA attack on civilians for five years , eight Protestant workers were killed and five injured on Jan. 17 when a massive bomb destroyed their van at Teebane Cross .
10 In Reg. v. Emmanuel ( 1981 ) 74 Cr.App.R. 135 where the defendant was charged in the indictment with alternative counts , the judge approved a proposal by the prosecutor to offer no evidence on the more serious charge and to accept a plea of guilty to the less serious .
11 More than 300 people were killed and another 430 injured on Jan. 4 when the crowded Zakaria-Bahauddin passenger express hurtled into the rear of a stationary freight train in southern Pakistan .
12 Roque Fernandez was named as the new President of the Central Bank , replacing Javier González Fraga who had resigned on Jan. 28 when the austral dropped dramatically against the US dollar [ see p. 37959 ] .
13 The memorial is on the slopes of Hill 107 where the few remaining officers and 200 men of both squadrons including mechanics , armourers , clerks and cooks , fought as infantry alongide New Zealand soldiers .
14 Azerbaijani anger over the sovereignty issue was provoked further on Jan. 10-11 when the Armenian Supreme Soviet voted to extend the provisions of its republican budget and election laws to cover Nagorny Karabakh .
15 The first clear evidence that the unrest in Kashmir had adversely affected bilateral relations came on Jan. 14 when a spokesman for the Pakistan Foreign Office expressed " deep concern over the deteriorating situation in the Indian-occupied Kashmir " .
16 Jagmohan , the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir , on Feb. 19 dissolved the State Assembly , which had been suspended since Jan. 19 when the state was placed under Governor 's rule [ see pp. 37183-84 ] .
17 Relocation is expected to be complete by March 1995 when the existing Warren Spring site in Stevenage will be taken over by Glaxo .
18 Ellis became chief whip in March 1894 when the fifth Earl of Rosebery succeeded Gladstone as prime minister , and found life exceptionally difficult since the Liberals had only the narrowest of majorities .
19 Government forces delivered a critical blow to the rebels on March 7 when the Defence Ministry 's communication links were severed .
20 The Security Council , created in the December 1990 leadership restructuring , was constituted on March 7 when the USSR Supreme Soviet approved eight nominations by President Mikhail Gorbachev .
21 WI news : The next meeting will be held on March 26 when the subject will be vegetarian cookery .
22 WI news : The next meeting will be held on March 26 when the subject will be vegetarian cookery .
23 The WI met on March 26 when the subject was vegetarian cookery .
24 The exchange facility finally ended on Thursday 28th March 1991 when the last British Rail train hauled by a Class 47 diesel locomotive entered the Trench Yard to collect MOD rail wagons .
25 Things came to a head on 30 January 1971 when a NICRA march in Derry , rendered illegal by Faulkner 's blanket banning of all marches the previous August , found its exit from the ghetto blocked by British soldiers , including the Parachute Regiment .
26 This was finally achieved on the fifth of July 1948 when the Labour Government implemented the Beveridge Report .
27 Sharon claimed that he been humiliated diplomatically on May 2 when the US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp refused him an official meeting .
28 Negotiations between the three ethnic communities in Bosnia-Hercegovina [ see p. 38849 for leaderships ] under the auspices of the EC continued in Lisbon , but were broken off on May 2 when the ceasefire was broken .
29 ( See e.g. Condon v Basi [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 453 where a standard of reasonable care was applied to participants in a football match . )
30 The effect of the torrential rain on Sept. 10-12 — the heaviest since 1907 — was exacerbated on Sept. 12 when the swollen Han River demolished a 100-metre embankment in western Seoul and inundated vast areas of residential and agricultural land .
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