Example sentences of "[noun prp] [adj] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Basil Blackwell will publish in March 1986 the papers and proceedings of the June 1985 conference on ‘ Natural Resources and the Macroeconomy ’ .
2 Edward still prevaricated , but at the Parliament of March 1299 the magnates extorted further concessions by the threat of armed force .
3 In March 1204 the men of Cornwall agreed to pay a fine of 2,000 marks and 20 palfreys worth 10 marks each for the disafforestment of the whole of the county , with the exception of two moors and two woods , and for having a sheriff chosen from their own nominees .
4 The government of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari annulled on Jan. 12 the results of elections held in Tabasco state in November 1991 .
5 In Scotson v. Pegg ( 1861 ) 30 L.J.Ex. 225 the plaintiffs had contracted with a third party , A , to deliver a cargo of coal to A or to the order of A. A sold the cargo to the defendant and directed the plaintiffs to deliver it to the defendant as per contract .
6 In a communiqué broadcast on Jan. 17 the leaders of the Medellín and Cali drug cartels , under their assumed name of the " Extraditables " , announced that they accepted the " victory " of the government of President Barco in the five month " war " waged between them [ see p. 36844 ; 36889-90 ; 37119 ] and would end their hostilities , release their hostages , cease drug shipments and surrender weapons and explosives , in return for constitutional and legal guarantees which would respect their rights and allow them to return to their families and communities .
7 Since Jan. 17 the allies were estimated to have flown more than 110,000 sorties and to have lost 36 aircraft in combat ( USA 27 ( plus one helicopter ) , UK six , Kuwait one , Italy one , Saudi Arabia one ) .
8 On Jan. 17 the police also reported that they had uncovered a neo-Nazi organization , three of whose members were arrested and another six questioned on suspicion of plotting the overthrow of the government .
9 ‘ For a lot of the mums it 's a chance to do the day over again' Here comes the bride … probably in a coach and four , and cocooned in all the marital candyfloss that is now ‘ de rigueur ’ for the perfect day , writes Joan McAlpine All the frills of the fair Pictures by DAVID MITCHELL
10 to the will of the people than participatory democracy or Russo All the individuals do is elect their governors , so this is the idea that Russo called not democracy but that to of aristocracy .
11 However , he did allow Richard all the books and the time he wanted to teach himself .
12 By Jan. 29 the allies claimed that nearly 100 Iraqi planes were in Iran .
13 On Jan. 16 the heads of the 11 member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) held a conference in Moscow ( preceded by a preparatory meeting of Foreign Ministers on Jan. 10 ) .
14 Argyle Building Society v. Hammond , 49 P. & C.R. 148 the defendants case was based on the alleged forgery of Mrs. Steed 's signature upon the transfer .
15 Ltd. ( 1960 ) 1 H.K.T.C. 85 the appellants , in response to a request from the owners , sent a tug to salvage a vessel stranded on a foreign island .
16 On March 7 the Iraqis released the first 1,000 of the Kuwaitis taken prisoner at the end of the Iraqi occupation , the total number of those abducted being given as some 7,000 .
17 On March 26 the prosecutors appealed to the Supreme Court because of what they considered the excessively lenient judgments .
18 By a notice of appeal dated 22 March 1991 the defendants appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that the judge erred ( 1 ) in following the decision of Browne J. in Bognor Regis Urban District Council v. Campion [ 1972 ] 2 Q.B. 169 even though he was rightly unable to accept the basis on which Browne J. had distinguished the decision of the Divisional Court in Manchester Corporation v. Williams [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ; ( 2 ) in holding that Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Co .
19 In February unknown gunmen killed Col. ( retd ) Rifat Ugurlutan , allegedly for his involvement in the activities of the security services , while on March 10 a police officer was assassinated in Istanbul by members of Dev Sol allegedly for his part in a 1989 May Day shooting incident [ p. 36668 ] .
20 On March 10 the authorities issued a warning to people to stay indoors after concentrations of low-level ozone reached record levels .
21 In March 1171 the monks of St Martial 's , Limoges , though perhaps with some embarrassment , asked for , and were sent , aid in putting down a revolt of their townsmen at La Souterraine , a revolt which had the backing of Count Audebert of La Marche .
22 Nithard 's main focus was on Charles ; but in July 840 the eyes of most of the elite were on Lothar .
23 Thus in D v NSPCC [ 1978 ] AC 171 the court was willing to permit the NSPCC to withhold the name of their informant but in British Steel Corporation v Granada Television Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 417 the defendants were ordered to disclose the name of the plaintiff 's employee who had supplied them with confidential information belonging to the plaintiff .
24 During a five-day smog in the Ruhr area of West Germany in January 1985 the authorities believed they had achieved overall emission reductions of about 30 per cent , including 14 per cent of sulphur dioxide from power stations and 40–50 per cent of oxides of nitrogen from traffic ( Lubkert , 1989 ) .
25 The motion was proposed on Aug. 31 by the extreme Serbian Radical Party ( SRS ) led by Vojislav Seselj and the Serbian Socialist Party ( SPS ) led by Borisav Jovic , but on Sept. 2 the SPS recommended that its deputies vote against the motion , following criticism by Federal President Cosic .
26 The Commission announced on July 5 , 1989 , that it was to phase out by January 1993 the limits on the value of goods which citizens of EC member states were allowed to take across internal borders , in readiness for the abolition of border controls .
27 By a notice of appeal dated 24 May 1991 the defendants , Merton and Sutton Health Authority , appealed from the decision of Phillips J. on 10 May 1991 , ante , pp. 639G et seq. , on a preliminary issue that , assuming the allegations in the statement of claim were true , the defendants were liable in tort to the plaintiff for such of those acts and/or omissions as were committed before the plaintiff 's birth .
28 In July 1333 the Scots had been defeated at Halidon Hill , near Berwick , and Edward Balliol had done homage to Edward III for Scotland , while King David II retired to France , there to seek the support of Philip VI against England .
29 On January 1st the rebels of the United Somali Congress claimed to have driven President Siad Barre into a bunker in the military airport , where he is defended by his favourite tanks .
30 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
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