Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] like a " in BNC.

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1 Then in their wake , a stately schooner under full sail — Sister Cooney bobbing like a fretful tug in attendance — she hove in sight , a strongly-timbered woman , solid and soundly ballasted .
2 Melanie swam like a blind , earless fish in a sea of sedation , where there was no time or memory but only dreams .
3 Brig Ramsey fought like a tigress to save the WRAC 's cap badge .
4 Angus slouched like a spoiled brat , nodded and began to tap noisily on the table top with his fingers .
5 In his great house , almost bereft of servants and filled with damps , glooms and moulds , Porua lived like a soldier under siege .
6 Carwyn seemed like a castaway on a desert island .
7 It was a black cleavage-revealing affair topped by a sparkling gold necklace , and with her hair swept up into a sophisticated style the older woman made Lucy feel like a country cousin .
8 It made Britta feel like a child .
9 All the same , he found it pleasant to watch Hari reviving like a thirsty plant which has just been watered .
10 Up until now there had n't been a peep out of the former Jam bassist which I 'd attributed to one of three things — shyness , boredom or a reluctance to interrupt his new boss who , it has to be said , makes Ian Paisley seem like a Trappist Monk when he gets into his stride .
11 For Helen , all that week , Saturday shone like a distant sunlit hilltop .
12 Miss Angus bellowed like a slightly cracked version of Gabriel 's trumpet : ‘ I said take them away , woman ! ’
13 Gaveston stiffened like a dog ready to attack .
14 Sometimes life in Detroit seems like a grotesque farce .
15 Behind us , Vegas burns like a garden bonfire at night .
16 She picked up another , while Donna watched like a terrified rabbit .
17 Richard blushed like a schoolboy .
18 Behind him Georgina advanced like a victorious army .
19 Lucy looked like a bright little girl , and Jay snapped into the role of brisk helper .
20 Edward felt like a colonial or a schoolboy , and it irked .
21 Ken looked like a waterborne Tarzan , swinging through the air from wave to wave .
22 Twelve-year-old Linda looked like a happy accident .
23 He took his hand and led him away and Mister Johnny went like a lamb .
24 Mirabilis looked like a magician , Foreman had the appearance of some village parson in his dark fustian jacket , hose and soft felt slippers .
25 Jekub emerged like a very angry chick from a very old egg and then rolled to a stop .
26 Paddington shines like a skating rink ,
27 This Soviet DRA scheme for guarantees of non-intervention in and the non-alignment of Afghanistan sounded like a form of neutralisation of that country on Soviet terms .
28 McRae 's Subaru coughed like a grizzly bear , went sideways into the first of a thousand bends , spitting grit in lacerating force at a lot of spectators , as brave as the men they had come to admire then disappeared into the foreboding conifers of Grizedale Forest .
29 Have you seen Jan and Joan dress up to their their Victorian day Jan came like a an upright stripped erm working , not working class a sort of governess right she had
30 So , leaning on Fand to keep from falling , Ruth crept like a cripple over the glassy floor , between the towers .
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