Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
2 Moodie led from the start and never looked like being caught even though late in the race Joey Dunlop put in a spurt and was in second place with one lap to go .
3 Miss Honey asked from the head of the table .
4 Only when Mr Trout and his associate , Mr Alan Abel received the accolade of an interview with America 's top television journalist , Walter Cronkite , did SINA disappear from the limelight .
5 Harry Pascoe shouted from the far end of the room , and young Jan Lanyon , who sailed with him , put up his firsts and echoed : Aye — just let 'em try ! "
6 Mr Angell responded that it would not be feasible for Moscow to leap from the present unconvertible rouble to the complex Western system of floating exchange rates , or to a dollar or yen-backed rouble .
7 Marcus shouted from the doorway in that distinctly unfriendly tone of his and clapped his hands hard .
8 As soon as our visitors had gone , Holmes changed from the talker to the man of action .
9 McMaster moved from the seaside to take up a new teaching post in Drumahoe near Londonderry last week , and decided to make the break with the club he has served so well for a decade .
10 The Masai moved from the great river of the north , freely interpreted as the Nile , says the professor in a note , down towards their present location .
11 Hector whispered from the bed .
12 ‘ My husband is a man , ’ Emilia interrupted from the impatience of her pain , ‘ with a man 's insensitivities . ’
13 The bad feelings turned to relief , and a degree of comfort , when , after a moment 's pause , she heard Johnny answer from the kitchen .
14 This is an interesting remark , because the British edition of Lucy differs from the American in key passages that deal with Kalb and officialdom .
15 This time Paisley led from the front .
16 Travis asked from the fire , where he was setting up a pan of water .
17 Rex gazed from the window .
18 When , during a home game in February 1927 , Hardy shouted from the touchline to a player to move up-field , Chapman chose to regard it as a breach of his authority and arranged for Hardy to move to Tottenham , where a vacancy had conveniently arisen .
19 Millie rose from the stool and , looking at her prospective and harassed mistress , she said , ‘ Oh , it 's all right .
20 Jean fled from the room .
21 He then requested Lucy and Jean to come from the kitchen , and , standing between them , he placed an arm round their shoulders as he said , ‘ This is Lucy and Jean , who have attended to your refreshments on behalf of Stella , my hostess , who is indisposed .
22 Ann Marie moved from the Holgate End to propose before the 19,000 crowd .
23 Basingstoke moved from the Beazer to the Premier Division of the Vauxhall League in 1987 .
24 Basingstoke moved from the Beazer to the Premier Division of the Vauxhall League in 1987 .
25 The USSR became India 's main external source of weaponry and rendered extensive economic aid ; Soviet support was in part a response to the support that Pakistan received from the Chinese , with whom the Indians had an unresolved border dispute .
26 It was almost time for Compline when Cadfael came from the gardens after his last round of the evening , and saw horsemen riding in at the gate .
27 Fairfax climbs from the plane and walks , surrounded by the tall warriors , across the darkening savannah to the laibon 's manyatta .
28 She knew that Richard came from the castle and understood that his family was the family to which all the others deferred , but now instead of intimidating her Richard 's status seemed to impart a sense of protection .
29 Biggins scored from the penalty spot after only 10 minutes and added another soon after before Mark Stein completed the scoring .
30 Brig Ramsey arrives from the Women 's Royal Army Corps ( WRAC ) , where she was the final director before its abolition last week under Options for Change .
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