Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] not know " in BNC.

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1 They stared impassively at Corbett while their leader talked to Thomas in a tongue that Corbett did not know , though it sounded like birdsong , high , clicking and quick .
2 Barrymore did not know in which of them the mysterious man was living .
3 Lexander did not know the word Junker .
4 Of what or to whom , Kathleen did not know and dared not ask .
5 Standing before her future mistress , Millie did not know whether or not to dip her knee .
6 David did not know quite where to look , but it was one occasion , he subsequently recounted to his friends , when it was better to travel than to arrive .
7 His voice was hatefully mocking , and whether it was the drink talking , or his resentment of all women because of what one beautiful woman had done to him , Dr Neil did not know .
8 For some unaccountable reason she had bent down to inspect the floor , hoping , though Dr Neil did not know this , to escape the attentions of Havvie and his friends , all of whom had known her well in her old life .
9 Neil did not know what to say .
10 Lissa did not know where she found the strength to answer him without betraying anything of her inner turmoil .
11 However , he had been into the interior once before , in the service of two Dutch explorers who , in the manner of all Dutch explorers , had died strange deaths : though not before they had communicated to civilization a mysterious message , ‘ Wallace and Darwin did not know it , but there are alternatives . ’
12 At this unhappy moment , I recalled that mysterious sentence , ‘ Wallace and Darwin did not know it , but there are alternatives . ’
13 Well , of course , Darwin really had no answer to that and today we today we do because nowadays we know how evolution works , and erm what we now know that Darwin did not know , is that the genetic code is based , this is just an illustration from a standard book , you can find this in more or less any , any book .
14 ‘ Nothing , ’ Corbett sighed ‘ I just thank God Mistress Agatha did not know you were asleep .
15 What they did not know — and perhaps Mr Desai did not know either — was that urine contains large amounts of melatonin — a chemical secreted by the pineal gland which is involved ( no one knows how ) in setting the body 's natural rhythms .
16 Upstairs her mother slept or woke or dreamed , Alida did not know .
17 Rachaela did not know why she had participated .
18 Although he was one of her guests , Lady Blemley did not know Mr Appin well .
19 Alexia did not know him well , he realised .
20 ‘ Lord Aldington did not know about the massacre and brutality .
21 Odd-Knut did not know if he would break trail .
22 Charles was not inclined to look too hard at what he was giving away in the charters he issued , and he issued two charters , one to the Earl of Carlisle and one to Sir William Courteen , which covered the same islands , probably because people in England did not know much about the geography of the area and possibly did not much care .
23 Ruth did not know what to say .
24 It is now certain that Malta 's coach , Pippo Psaila , could not predict what Scotland 's team will be , for the simple reason that even Roxburgh does not know the answer to that one yet .
25 As a result it is hard to think of any technical innovations , whether in the military or civilian field , that Russia does not know about .
26 Rory did not know how to take the information .
27 Eckert did not know the real Arthur Hardy 's share in these juvenile expeditions , nor had he seen the then unpublished A Sportman 's Tale which amplifies the sustained friendship between these two Battersea Grammar School pupils .
28 At first , Theda did not know whether she was more angry with Lady Merchiston for loaning her out like this , or with Mrs Rosalia Alderley for making such an impertinent request .
29 to Coronation Street do not know all the facts of course , we are ignorant of the finer points of the time gone by , but why is Deirdre so lasted to Ken I 've yet to catch up with Wednesday night 's proceedings on my video contraption , but the last thing that I heard Deirdre say to Ken as he was recovering on a put-u-up in her front room was , I 'm stuck with you till you back on your feet and as far as I 'm concerned it ca n't come soon enough for me , Ken lay there immobile , stunned , a cruel carry on , what 's the poor chap done , but then I 've missed too much
30 Alain did not know what a shock it had been to be dragged up those stairs and to find a room like a small time capsule , the very essence of the man she had not known still lingering there .
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