Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] not have " in BNC.

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1 As for ideology , it is quite clear from this account that Odilon Redon did not have one as such ( his connections with the anarchists of the period being tangential at most ) .
2 Afghanistan did not have a comparable legal obligation to third states predetermining its conduct in peacetime or war .
3 The restored Stuarts did not have to deal with any difficulty of this sort but they did have a general problem of making sure that the King 's authority was accepted .
4 All the same Salah Muhammad did not have a clear run .
5 But the Skorpion did not have enough stopping power .
6 However , Richard did not have the ability to rule the land as his father had done and he resigned in April 1659 .
7 Is he aware that , when the dioxin-contaminated milk was transferred in the summer from Bolsover to Severn-Trent for disposal , Severn-Trent did not have a licence ?
8 Branson did not have to like Randolph Fields , but , in a curious sort of way , he admired him .
9 ‘ The Pru did not have a budgetary system before I joined , the accountants produced some numbers every year but they were not comprehensive or in any sense management information .
10 The Pru did not have a budgetary system before I joined .
11 Dismissed because of his " too personal " interpretations of environmental affairs , Illes told a press conference that he believed that the environment would be sacrificed as the government struggled for foreign investment and the population grappled with increasing poverty , and added that Hungary does not have a coherent environmental policy .
12 The cruise missile also has not been tested to its full distance overland , because the United States does not have the space .
13 Currently the United States does not have a droit de suite , a law that mandates that artists receive a percentage of the price of a work each time it changes hands .
14 The United States does not have a feudal history .
15 The president , according to the constitution has the executive power that executive power depends to a large part on the willingness of congress to provide the legal framework moments in which there is harmony and cooperation between president and congress tend to be exceptional rather than er a regular feature of the American system and if er the president manages to get something through congress , you can bet that very quickly the president will face some defeat in congress shortly thereafter to remind the president that the United States does not have , contrary to the popular press , does not have a presidential system of government .
16 ‘ Prince Edward does not have a butler , ’ was the reply .
17 In the subtropics the epidemiology is similar to that of Haemonchus though Cooperia does not have the same high biotic potential and the L3 survive rather better under arid conditions .
18 LASMO does not have any unduly restrictive financial covenants governing any of its borrowing agreements .
19 You 've noticed that Healthmaster does not have erm , just smoker , non-smoker rates , because if we actually just simply mention dwelled on that perhaps we should 've little bit longer .
20 Caterham does not have copyright on the Seven 's basic , long-bodied shape , which ran out several years ago , but it has sued companies that indulge in ‘ passing off ’ .
21 But Pakistan does not have extradition treaties with most Arab countries and will not turn over a wanted man against his will .
22 The NHS did not have the profit motive but profits did not impinge on large numbers of managers in the private sector either , below board level .
23 Khrushchev in removing Marshal Zhukov did not have to confront ‘ the military interest ’ : by manipulating Zhukov 's own subordinates , Marshals Malinovskiy and Golikov , into position , he was able to turn Zhukov 's bureaucratic confrères into his own allies .
24 But Gould did not have time to fuel his friendships , unless they were of some direct advantage to his work .
25 Since Paribas 's rival Banque Indosuez won the insurance company , Victoire , analysts believe that Paribas did not have much choice but to look for a suitable target in the insurance field .
26 The US secretary of state , Warren Christopher , said in Geneva that the major powers had agreed on negotiations , but it seemed that Mr Christopher did not have a cast-iron Palestinian commitment on new talks .
27 Some areas of England do not have natural regions .
28 In 1900 only these two states and Montenegro did not have parliamentary institutions of some kind .
29 Darwin did not have to overthrow a coherent and worked-out theory ; he had to persuade contemporaries that hypothesizing about origins was worthwhile .
30 Although it is commonplace today to stress the importance of the experiences of early childhood in forming the personality , Wordsworth did not have the benefit of recent theories of psychology .
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