Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't take much anaesthetic to render the exhausted patient unconscious , and , as Sophie made the first incision , she put aside her dislike of being critically watched by her professional rival and concentrated on her life-saving task .
2 Durham County champion Craig Kilgour made the first steps towards his comeback last weekend when he was among a number of county players who took part in a coaching session held by English Golf Union coach Bill Ferguson .
3 Formal veterinary instruction began in France in 1762 , when the world 's first veterinary school opened in Lyons , where a 24-year-old named Laurent Gaillard became the first pupil on 16 February .
4 The Norwegian biologist Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe made the first important observations on dominance , in the 1920s .
5 But in the new spate of glasnost , or openness , one of I T N's Moscow reporters , Bill Meely became the first European journalist to be shown inside the Lubyanka , the K G B's headquarters .
6 Satisfied , Barry Silk laid the last item of his equipment lovingly down , almost as if for a kit inspection .
7 Lieutenant General Augustus Pitt-Rivers became the first official guardian of Britain 's heritage
8 Back on the white(ish) stuff , John Welford made the second ascent of Simon Nadin 's 1987 testpiece Gonads giving it F8a+ , and then red-pointed Out of my Tree at Raven Tor as a warm down .
9 The Daltons became the second husband and wife team in the Commons , but three months later he came North to bag the seat for himself .
10 Scott and a team including Chris Bonington made the first ascent in 1977 ; on the rock ridge of Shivling East Pillar ; Greg Child belayed on Lobsang Spire in the Karakoram — another first ascent for Scott in 1983 .
11 On July 1 Andorra became the first non-EC country to join the EC customs union , when a treaty signed in June 1990 [ see p. 37592 ] came into effect .
12 Sitting alone at her kitchen table , Kelly read the last words ever written by her father .
13 When W. S. Rockstro made the first thorough-going attempt at a life of Handel in 1883 , he had before him a list of no fewer than 53 likenesses made during the composer 's lifetime .
14 Ferguson became the first player to be sent off in the six-year reign of Scotland manager Andy Roxburgh .
15 As officials lit a cutting torch to destroy a Soviet-made armoured car and a cannon at a military base near Erfurt on Aug. 3 , Germany became the first country to destroy arms under the terms of the Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) treaty signed in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] .
16 Nobody is claiming that the Brooklands offers the last word in performance , fuel economy , space efficiency , silence or ergonomic excellence .
17 Nine months later , Francis ' team dominated Canadian sprinting , and the following year Angella Taylor became the first of the group to reach world class .
18 During the rest of the inter-war period , and indeed ever since , Labour politicians and commentators have attempted to explain why Ramsay MacDonald ditched the second Labour government and formed a National Government .
19 The consultant psychogeriatrician in the London Borough of Newham was one of those approached , and as he responded most quickly and positively , Newham became the second area in which the project was to be set up .
20 In October Gen. Dmitri Yazov made the first visit to the USA by a Soviet Defence Minister , at the invitation of US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney .
21 WASHINGTON — General Dmitri Yazov became the first Soviet defence minister to visit the US yesterday , beginning a week of talks as the guest of his opposite number , Dick Cheney , writes Marc Champion .
22 Last year , Campbell Christie became the first person to take complaints over GCHQ to the tribunals , naming a section at the communications centre , K24e , as being responsible for intercepting telexes sent by trade unionists in Eastern Europe .
23 Having won two of this series in the fastest times already , he would have had to finish four seconds behind the steeplechaser Mark Rowland to lose the first prize of £5,000 .
24 In 1555 Primož Trubar made the first translation of the New Testament into Slovene and in 1584 a Slovene grammar was produced .
25 Wolsey met the first crisis by ordering the levy of a forced loan .
26 Mrs Cutforth became the second Mrs Tawell regardless of their feelings .
27 Ben made the first on-sight of Psycho ( ) and followed it up with on-sights of Genesis ( ) , Rainbow Wall ( ) , Your mother , Monument and Anarchiste ( all ) with Mark sharing the honours on Monument .
28 President Havel of Czechoslovakia became the first head of state on July 19 to ratify the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , signed by the six Warsaw Pact and 16 NATO member countries in November 1990 [ see p. 37838 ] , and which entailed sharp reductions in troops , tanks and weaponry .
29 Dissenting minorities were driven out by religious difficulties : Roger Williams left Boston within a year of arriving , though it was not until five years later that he made his way south through the dense woodlands to Rhode Island to launch the first settlement based on principles of religious toleration in 1636 .
30 Sunderland has the fourth highest number of smoking related deaths in the U K. Low birth weights are more common .
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