Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] hold the " in BNC.

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1 Trent fought to hold the BMW upright .
2 And the Vatican has held the secret to this very day .
3 A working compromise was reached only after Barbarossa agreed to hold the Pope 's bridle and stirrup at a formal meeting ; an act of ritual homage which he had at first refused .
4 Fr Lyons has held the position for ten years .
5 Lochnagar seemed to hold the ancient spirit of the land .
6 ‘ Concerning censorship in normal times , Cameroun appears to hold the record in the details of its application .
7 In 1538 the Earl of Sussex claimed to hold the reversion of the Lord Stewardship .
8 Since 1979 Saddam Hussein has held the posts of President , Prime Minister , RCC chair and secretary-general of the Ba'ath regional command .
9 In the case of working class women , intervention by primarily middle class volunteers or state officials often served to increase their burdens by exacting higher standards of childcare and housekeeping — what Anna Martin called holding the mother to her task of making bricks without straw — and punishing her if she failed .
10 The majority of those present at the 26th June Q.T. Day voted to hold the next A.G.M. on a Saturday afternoon .
11 Eddie stood holding the door-knob , her face twisted in a ferocious glare .
12 Political commentators noted that by aligning tactically with the LDP at this stage , Komeito anticipated holding the balance of power in the Lower House after the elections , a position it already enjoyed in the Upper House .
13 Forces of the rebel Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) which remained under the command of Col. John Garang continued to hold the area around the towns of Torit and Kapoeta , in the south of Equatoria state .
14 Aggie stood holding the key in her hand .
15 Starting at about 4,000ft , the Vimy rapidly lost height , Jack fighting to hold the joystick , they came out of the mist about 50ft above the water and at a dangerous angle .
16 Archminster had held the account for 18 months
17 Lewis has held the world light heavyweight title for the last four years and was conceding five stone to an opponent rated highly by the Americans .
18 A decade ago , NEC Corp surged past Motorola Inc and Texas Instruments Inc to become the world 's largest chipmaker , and Japan has held the title ever since — until 1991 , when according to Dataquest , Intel Corp grew 26% to win it back for the US .
19 Lt.-Gen Rahman had held the post since August 1986 when he had been appointed in place of President Hussain Mohammad Ershad [ see p. 34812 ] .
20 Bill had held the position for two years and saw the team achieve two of their best-ever results , sevenths in the last two World Championships .
21 Elected unopposed this year , Stanley has held the office previously ( 1987–89 ) .
22 Morrells hopes to hold the price of cask mild for a further 12 months .
23 Kaysone had held the post of Premier since the foundation of the LPDR in 1975 .
24 The TV playback showed that Southall had held the ball for 13 seconds , although it did not seem as long at the time .
25 Thomas lord Stanley had held the stewardship of Halton since 1461 .
26 Thomas lord Stanley had held the stewardship of Halton since 1461 .
27 Killeavey player Mark had held the dangerous Gallagher in check up until then and now hopes to impose an even greater stranglehold on the stocky corner forward in the replay .
28 John tried to hold the family together but it knocked everyone back . ’
29 These assumptions may be summarized as follows : ( a ) that the account of how Molla Husrev came to the Muftilik is at least broadly correct ; ( b ) that the Muftilik passed in an uncomplicated manner from Fahreddin Acemi to the Mufti of Istanbul ( though , as has been seen , there is a division of opinion over whether the latter was Abdulkerim or Molla Husrev ) ; ( c ) that Abdulkerim did hold the office of Mufti , that is , the Muftilik of Istanbul ( though again there is disagreement about when he held it ) .
30 Yilmaz had held the post of Foreign Minister since December 1987 [ see p. 35910 ] , having held various other Cabinet posts since the Motherland Party ( Anatavan Partisi — ANAP ) came to office in December 1983 .
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