Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pn reflx] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Having gained that second term , Lange appointed himself Minister of Education , swapping his foreign affairs portfolio with Russell Marshall , thus signalling a major initiative in education reform .
2 They have seen Pop Will Eat Itself close up and seen in them the terrible cost of debauchery .
3 CHART stars Pop Will Eat Itself blew up when a mix-up stopped them appearing in Sweden .
4 Maddy : ‘ Who are Pop Will Eat Itself band ? ’
5 This has a shuffling joss-sticky booga-booga spook beat and a strange haircut ; this is the record that Pop Will Eat Itself have been trying to make for the past 24 months , the grinning idiot love-child of Mr Desmond Drugmusic and Mrs Winnie Indiewhine brought up in a radical lesbian commune in Vancouver , Canada and fed on a diet of black pudding and Ecstasy .
6 His run at Haydock last time is best ignored as George Duffield got himself jammed in on the rails until too late .
7 Gurder flung himself face down and buried his nose in it .
8 Now happily married to actress Gwen Humble , 38 , Ian found himself studying an action replay of his early days as a hell-raising Hollywood star as it ran through his mind — and he winced at what he saw .
9 Germany found itself facing an expansionist Europe and a booming industry .
10 When the tower walls swung back into focus Isabel found herself clutching a chainmail tunic , quite unaware of the metal links cutting into her palms as she gazed straight into the ice-blue eyes of her husband .
11 But instead , for a dizzying instant , as he wrapped his cloak about her , Isabel found herself savouring a delicious sensation of feeling small and infinitely fragile , enclosed within his arms .
12 Confused by the light in her eyes and the constant chattering of their host , Isabel found herself ushered into the house before she could correct the man 's assumption that she was fitzAlan 's lady .
13 He looked powerful and tough , and yet Isabel found herself noticing that his lower lip was slightly fuller than the upper , and that his mouth quirked at one corner , hinting at a sense of humour .
14 Isabel found herself staring at Matilda 's kindly face , completely at a loss .
15 It could have been hours or minutes later that Isabel found herself staring into a dark pit .
16 Lisa found herself watching him as they chatted about this and that , quietly amazed at the easy way he fitted in with them .
17 It was a contradiction in terms , Lisa found herself thinking as she looked back across the desk at him .
18 Lisa found herself rushing on to inform him , ‘ This is one of my more conservative creations . ’
19 Thiercelin and Lefevre found themselves received at their billet with almost embarrassing cordiality , the householder , Herr Bauer , and his wife insisting upon catering for their every need , whilst regaling them with complaints of Hapsburg perfidy and the brutality of their Russian allies .
20 In recent years Levinas has himself articulated more explicitly his account of the relation of the ethical to the political .
21 As the train drew into Bodmin , Alexandra found herself clasping her own hands so tightly she could feel the seams of her gloves grinding into her flesh and wished , passionately for the visit to be a success , for them to like her house , approve of what she had done — and above all , to leave her alone to do it .
22 SCRAM found itself caught in the middle between those who felt nonviolent protest was the only way and those who really wanted to see the whole place go up in smoke .
23 Lying contented in his arms , it was only as the euphoria gradually faded that Luce found herself wondering , had he felt the same ?
24 The reluctance with which Luke released her was palpable , his expression drawn into lines of hostility , and as she sat up , and then stood , Maria found herself deriving a savagely biting joy from the fact that she had surprised him .
25 Unaccustomed to such tenderness from this man who had so rarely shown her anything but contempt and passion , Maria found herself beginning to tremble , while a hot , smarting sensation afflicted her eyes and emotion tightened her throat .
26 Unexpectedly , Sophie found herself defending Robert .
27 And suddenly Steiner found himself saying , ‘ My father .
28 So it was that Ms Wainwright found herself manhandling ( if that 's the word ) the seven-by-four polystyrene boards across the frozen Alaskan wastes , often in the teeth of gale force winds and in temperatures down to -40°C .
29 As he suggested that Richards had been less than sporting , Martin-Jenkins found himself banned from the local airwaves and Public Enemy Number One in Barbados ; since he is renowned as a courteous , generous-spirited chap , it brought home to English fans just how fervently Richards is regarded in the Caribbean , although any English supporter who watched the incident on television would have been hard pushed to disagree with Martin-Jenkins 's assessment of it .
30 Kelly found herself fascinated by him .
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