Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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2 ‘ You and Jim want jollying up a bit . ’
3 Kelly Pearce , three ( left ) : said Mum ‘ Kelly loves dressing up .
4 FAR from the crowded Second Division title race , Blackburn goalie Bobby Mimms loves coming back to the peace of his home village in North Yorkshire .
5 Similarly , ‘ Railwayed ’ and ‘ Drive That Fast ’ incorporate these great bits of acceleration , where Patrick starts bouncing up and down and it sounds as though all of Julian 's dozen effects pedals are going ‘ WOOOSH ! ’ at the same time .
6 Becky stopped buttoning up her blouse .
7 The precaution probably was n't necessary , but on the off-chance that more thugs from INCUBUS came sniffing round , they would n't know he was in the area .
8 Little enough daylight was left by the time Pedro came skulking back , and for most of the evening she had sat , talking to him , stroking the soft rug of his ear between tense fingers , and waiting for the fit to come again .
9 she makes me laugh , she stands there talking and she 's saying , one minute she 's saying oh Steven really loves school , he really enjoys it , he 's really calmed down since he 's gone to school Steven stop running down that corridor .
10 Gently they lifted the bedraggled form as Bert came lumbering down from the 3 and 4 landing , with Gilbert Forbes behind him , and behind him the trembling form of Jessie , wringing her hands .
11 Before Rosheen could react Bernice came blundering in .
12 Twice , when Meredith ordered ‘ Two steps stage left ’ and Geoffrey moved to the right , Meredith came bounding down the centre aisle shouting ‘ Left , left , ducky ’ and leapt onto the apron to seize him by the shoulders and shove him into place .
13 The police mounted an early-morning assault on his office , and Mr Bucaram came running out with his hands up .
14 Mr Scott says turning back the clock to when Thornaby had its own town council , salaried professional officers and support services is no longer credible .
15 PASSION AT THE POOLSIDE : Fergie and Johnny enjoy getting down to some serious canoodling as the sun beats mercilessly on the naked pate of the whizzkid from Texas
16 Most of the hour Richard spent pacing up and down the corridor , stopping at windows to look out between the buildings at bare trees and transparent hedges .
17 Afterwards Travis began sorting out the things they were to take with them .
18 Molly finished laying out his clothes and put the re filled tea pot on the hob to brew .
19 While he ran thorough hands and eyes over his shattered body , Kathleen started cleaning up the chest area ready for the heart monitor after checking the IV line that was running in Haemacel and taking blood for cross-matching , dodging round the radiographer who had brought the portable in and was taking X-rays .
20 ‘ Lisa was my best friend until she and Andy started going out together — we even shared a flat together at one stage .
21 Becky kept holding on to the picture .
22 The Parsons and the Carters were incapable of conceiving that anyone could be financially embarrassed by a lunch bill , particularly one which , as Dennis kept pointing out , was bloody reasonably' .
23 Angie went flying off , my pens went everywhere !
24 ‘ A friend of mine who 's working in and around Florence said he 'd meet us in his jeep if he could make it , ’ David answered looking round .
25 A closed-doors meeting of the America supporters urged Koch to stop playing around with his crews and let Buddy Melges and the pros get on with the job of beating Conner .
26 Dot did n't hear Mrs Parvis come creeping up behind her .
27 Kylie ran sobbing out of the studios and did what was still the most natural thing in the world for a 20-year-old girl — she ran home to mummy .
28 David sat looking down at the empty wine glass that he was turning round and round between his hands .
29 And bloody Scott runs rushing off and thinks he 's mister hard man .
30 Abel comes running out from the kitchen .
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