Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 Beautifully decorated inside and out , the Maria offers a good standard of accommodation and traditional family hospitality at a reasonable price .
2 Tranmere wasted a good deal of splendid midfield work in the first half with long-range speculative shots into the stand .
3 Eton were in charge for most of the match , although Lancing squandered the best chance near the end .
4 TOP CLASS : Eton offers a good education — for those who can afford it
5 His brother William made a good deputy in most respects and could deal with much of the day-to-day management of the properties ; but he was very much a stay-at-home character , immersed in his books and studies , and the more distant affairs tended to get neglected .
6 Lancashire rider Ian Newton produced the best performance of his career when he won the 250cc class in the second round of the European road-racing championship at Kirkistown , County Down .
7 My group actually thought that the return of Peter Pan made a better tale than Barrie 's original .
8 Gore-starved GAVIN MARTIN and DANNY KELLY pick the best war flicks of all time and say ‘ get 'em on TV — pronto ! ’
9 The first British administrator of Tanganyika Masailand was Colonel E.D. Browne , who had been Assistant District Commissioner at Laikipia at the time of the second Masai move in 1911–13 , and who came down to Tanganyika convinced that the Kenya Masai had had a rotten deal and determined to see that the Tanganyika Masai got a better one .
10 BTG fears that if the consortium including RCT offers the best price RCT may attempt to gain a majority share-holding and might shut BTG 's US office .
11 Alfieri has a good job ; he is a lawyer .
12 Karen could never surely tell when Jessica was teasing her , and when Jessica found a good one she played it to the hilt .
13 Louis Armstrong has a good claim to being the most influential popular singer of the century .
14 Fulham has a good atmosphere in the evening , and I think a bookshop is the perfect place for people to meet , ’ says Harriet Currie .
15 Overall I think ZZAP ! is a very good magazine ( much better than CF ) and I will stand by it ( roll patriotic music ! ) through rain , show and worst of all , the CPC becoming the best 8-bit !
16 BTW I think Kelly has a good chance of playing 'cos Big Jack has a lot of injury problems .
17 With Celltech and a handful of smaller companies , BBL represents the best of British biotechnology .
18 World record holder Mike Powell of the United States produced the best long jump ever in Australia last night when he leapt 8.23m to win the event at the NEC International track and field meet in Melbourne .
19 The Emperor Napoleon got a good deal because France would have had to give it up sooner or later anyway , and I got a good deal because Louisiana gave me a lovely companion for life with all the legendary charms of your people . "
20 Elgin became a good example of the reaction to Johnson in Scotland .
21 The Midlander has the better claim for the title of Typical Irishman .
22 Despite the presence of the unbeaten Daarik , Montendre looks the best bet at York .
23 This peninsula into Lower lough Erne has a good variety of woodland birds , including sparrowhawks , long-eared owls and siskins , plus farmland species including a few corncrakes .
24 Kowalik looks a good prospect on the evidence of his first two Ipswich meetings and he does not expect to miss many British League meetings .
25 ( Pat has a good strong Catholic conscience , a desire to pass on some of her good fortune . )
26 Tardets has a good , arcaded square but an air of being very run-down , as if no one now loved it .
27 I do n't think they 're short of money to be honest cos Valerie has a good job
28 One of my school reports , when I was about nine , said of my history attainment , ‘ Molly writes a good story which is not always history . ’
29 Oxfordshire jockey Richard Dunwoody has a good chance on Kribensis …
30 The numerous gravel pits near Chichester support a good variety of breeding species , notably Great Crested Grebes for which this is the most important area in Sussex , as well as passage migrants and wintering wildfowl ( for numbers , see Systematic List ) .
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