Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 I have sent for Stirling to report here on his return when I shall make the new procedures clear to him .
2 Rain confessed as much when Shildon checked up on her progress .
3 B. Farmers in the valleys and on the edges of Dartmoor and Exmoor concentrate more on rearing young cattle , sheep and lambs , which graze on the rough moorland pasture .
4 All positive stuff , as Madeleine Kingsley points out on page 82 , if only you approach it in the right way .
5 As Mr Crump meandered away on a line his wife had drawn for him and in which he half-believed , John-Augustus recalled vividly a discussion he had overheard in the stable-yard earlier that morning .
6 Nutty got back on Midnight , swung round and glared at them .
7 Head bent , Alexandra concentrated miserably on her soup .
8 Peace People development co-ordinator Patrick Corrigan looks back on the mass rallies of 1976 .
9 Frau Nordern moved uneasily on the bed .
10 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
11 Early in April 1848 the committee which Nicholas had set up under Menshikov reported negatively on the two most popular journals of the day , The Contemporary and Notes of the Fatherland , and recommended the creation of a new body to supervise the activity of the regime 's censors .
12 A study by Tahira Hira carried out on 400 CAB debt cases in Scotland between 1984 and 1987 points to interesting trends .
13 COHSE members coming out on strike because of their refusal to take a little boy into the theatre for an operation , pin-ups being removed from the Yorkshire miners ' newspaper , painkillers being laced with poison in the US , John Nott walking out on Robin Day in front of the TV cameras , Helmut Kohl taking over from ( crash ) Helmut Schmidt and public service pay rises being kept down to 3 ½ per cent , every single event being , in some eyes , a disaster .
14 The new frontier for firms like BP , Statoil , Amoco and Pennzoil lies not on land but under the Caspian Sea .
15 Helen was called home to help her sister , Irene , in her employment and during this ten-week secretarial stint she and Edward met frequently on the Common as Helen returned from her work .
16 This set Jean Powers off on a torrent of exclamations and denials so that Helen could not have got a word in had she wished to ; she stood and looked at Giles Carnaby and tried to be calm .
17 Second row Paul Warwick got in on the act and full-back David Rowledge stretched the lead to 27–11 with a penalty to add to his earlier conversions .
18 In the story Melric goes off on a quest to various fellow magicians to seek help .
19 This fumble at the back allowed Richard Walker to equalise just on half time .
20 Oxfordshire 's Artweek kicks off on May 16 , with venues in and around Oxford , such as individual homes , studios , university buildings , shops and galleries throwing open their doors to exhibiting artists .
21 Oxfordshire 's Artweek kicks off on May 16 , with venues in and around Oxford , such as individual homes , studios , university buildings , shops and galleries throwing open their doors to exhibiting artists .
22 Montgomerie got off on the wrong foot by commencing with a trio of bogeys , making mistakes throughout the bag before settling down to birdie the fifth and sixth and reach the turn in 38 .
23 And Bella sank back on her pillows , exhausted by pain , by her long story and by the growing suspicion , nagging away obsessively in her head , that , once they had her in here , they would see that her condition was worsening and they would never , ever let her go home again .
24 ‘ The next day , ’ says Futch , ‘ I drove out to the course , which was covered in snow , to find Riddick chugging along on his own .
25 Tipped off by Harry Solomon of Hillsdown , Mr Lever moved in on Spong Holdings , an ailing shell with a stock market listing in 1989 .
26 As Glisseuse emerged from the Swale channel at the Queenborough end , she was picked up by Vigilant and followed to the upper reaches of the Medway while Venturous made all speed round the outside of Sheppey to catch up on the operation which was now well under control .
27 Nevertheless , Scott drew heavily on the Byzantine palaces of Venice , which Ruskin had popularized in The Stones of Venice , for inspiration in the revised Foreign Office design that he was preparing for Palmerston in the autumn of 1859 .
28 The favour was reciprocated when Dire Straits were re-formed to play at the Nelson Mandela birthday concert at Wembley Stadium , where Clapton helped out on guitar .
29 Hari sank down on the bench beside him .
30 And now — ’ Jagatan sank back on the couch .
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