Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But perhaps a pink Cadillac and James Dean to drive you away are the most desirable extras .
2 For instance , when Oliver Reed made his now famous appearance with slightly more than a little Dutch courage inside him , he suddenly took it into his head that he wanted to sing .
3 His concern about Germany manifested itself again in 1936 , when he accepted the post in Geneva of League of Nations high commissioner for German refugees , a position he held until 1938 .
4 This hatred of Lloyd George on the part of both Baldwin and MacDonald made it very difficult for the Conservative or Labour Parties to contemplate either coalition with the Liberals , or even a tacit understanding with them to sustain a minority government ; and the politics of the 1920s can not therefore be understood without appreciating the widespread antagonism both to coalition and to Lloyd George personally .
5 Isabel asked herself broodingly .
6 She asks Ben to drive her home .
7 Newman asked him point-blank .
8 But first — as usual — we 're going to hear about Zac 's foreskin , Pop Will Eat Itself never flushing the toilet , drugs , ‘ stompers ’ , why smart drugs turn your piss dayglo green and why female pop journalists all want a good shagging .
9 Has n't Kelly explained it properly ?
10 I could be wrong , and if Kelly plays I sincerely hope he has a good game for if he does n't he may not recover from it , as he will always be known for ‘ screwing it when the Republic needed a win in Windsor ’ .
11 Newman timed it so he would arrive back at Greenway Gardens after dark .
12 THE provisonal government of Romania made itself very much less provisional yesterday by decreeing significant constitutional changes , including the fact that the country is no longer a socialist republic .
13 Making sure that Ryan was already inside , they entered , sat near him , and began a general chat about land , A saying to B , in a casual roundabout fashion , that if he had any land going in Norfolk to unload it quickly because the councils were clamping down on building regulations and that land in future was to be used for agricultural purposes only . ’
14 Kolchinsky lowered him carefully to the floor then flicked on the intercom switch on the desk .
15 Isabel wiped her suddenly damp hands on her gown .
16 Roman lowered himself casually into his large executive swivel-chair behind his desk , and directed a dispassionate , shuttered gaze across the neat expanse of tooled dark green leather .
17 The vitriol , talent and critical edge of NME made it indisputably the thinking kid 's po paper , especially after its nearest rival Sounds nailed its colours to the laddishness mast in the shape of Oi ! and New Wave Of British Heavy Metal .
18 It was also the finest love song since Joy Division 's ‘ Love Will Tear Us Apart ’ .
19 Nutty flung herself blindly at the opposition .
20 That seemed to be the end of that topic , so Sophie tried something else .
21 Whilst he was laid up for six weeks in Middlesex Hospital , Minton visited him regularly and kept his family in Northumberland informed as to his progress .
22 Lynx contains nothing else of any note .
23 His grip tightened on her arm and Isabel found herself upright again .
24 Spending as much time as he could with Midge , Patrick found her extraordinarily rational .
25 Do you realise that , when Lisa has it right
26 After the affair Beatrice described him sourly : ‘ A complex character .
27 Since Plato ( dreamed that he ) saw Socrates most days , and this was among the most vivid and consistent of all his experiences ( dreams ? ) , and since Socrates said things which he , Plato , had not thought of before and which sometimes surprised him , Plato found it most consistent and convenient to ’ believe ’ that Socrates really did exist .
28 Edouard regarded him coolly .
29 Once over the first fright of finding out that this was an unconventional arrangement , Alexandra found it less surprising that her mother should have married her father , than vice versa .
30 Once embarked upon the fabrication of an imaginary dinner party , Alexandra found it quite easy .
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