Example sentences of "[adv] try the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If one is brave enough to try the draft out on critical , expert colleagues , one can be reasonably sure that what emerges at the end will be free of double questions , ambiguities , leading questions , and so on , and the helpful colleagues , in pretending to be informants , will also probably have thought up some difficult-to-classify answers too .
2 Er , but by the time I had my passport so I thought may not get a job again better to try the luck somewhere else .
3 ‘ We can only try the agency .
4 So try the Shaftesbury — it really could grow on you , especially the upstairs bar !
5 So try the Viognier '91 from the Ardeche , at £4.49 a bottle .
6 As a regular attender of Irish League games could I suggest that the 22,000 who turned up for the United v Villa debacle perhaps try the fare served up in the Irish League which I 've no doubt they would find much more exciting ( unless Bangor and Ards are involved ! )
7 But he did n't just try the handle .
8 ‘ We 'd best try the lodgings again .
9 The maximum penalty for an offence was set higher than the maximum punishment that the court which usually tried the crime was empowered to inflict .
10 I also tried the jump shot which was hilarious and !
11 I also tried the Graham Potentialiser , which looks like an expensive piece of Italian designer furniture .
12 He probably tried the door to the house , found that unlocked as well and picked up the hammer in case he was disturbed . ’
13 Funding is coming from Northern Arts , Durham County Council and Wear Valley District Council which has six schools also trying the artist in residence scheme .
14 Now to try the rocket jets .
15 Harvey suggested , a shade abruptly , that Freeman might now try the tube .
16 Now try the sentences
17 Now try the exercise in Handout 14 .
18 This means that , if you wish even to try the effects of TV in a small area , you have to be sufficiently confident to make a quite substantial investment .
19 I even tried the DTI — there 's just no money in this country .
20 I even tried the DTI — there 's just no money in this country .
21 So please try the samples and use the £1 coupon to find out why Pampers is Britain 's best selling nappy .
22 She gravely tried the things she liked , and sat solemnly in a bumping car with one of a family who lived in the road at the back of their house .
23 She waited and then tried the gate .
24 The ball set up for to drive it straight into the wall Speedy then tried the shot Oldfield takes over .
25 If these adventures seem a bit too much then try The Jabberwock ( HVS 4c , 5a , 4c ) up the obvious crack next to the righthand arête .
26 Look at the diagram and then try the exercise .
27 If you ca n't find him in any of those places then try the Bramley Arms .
28 Try and predict the results , and then try the cross .
29 Jack again tried the handle , but the door was locked .
30 I have not , by the way , yet tried the Guinness fondue recipe , but I do know from past experience that stout is an excellent and enriching alternative to wine for a number of meat and game dishes .
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