Example sentences of "[adv] set in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sauron is defeated and his Ring taken by Isildur , only to set in motion the crisis at the end of the Third Age .
2 Such craftsmen were considered more than mere artisans , and their products , especially set in seal rings , were highly esteemed .
3 Thus evidence of glacial and interglacial periods , such as the type of flora and fauna present , can sometimes be used to assign a sequence to events , but , as with any relative dating technique , events are only set in order .
4 By that time he had not only set in motion all the police retinue that attends on sudden and unexplained death , but also attended their ministrations throughout , seen the body examined , photographed , cased in its plastic shell and removed by ambulance to the forensic laboratory , delegated certain necessary duties , placated the police doctor and the pathologist , come to terms with the inevitable grief and rage which do not reach the headlines , and made dispositions within his own mind for the retribution which is so often aborted .
5 This chain of events led to British support of NATO becoming the basis of her Second Pillar of grand strategy , but it was to be another four years , and under Churchill 's last Administration , before it was finally set in concrete with the extension of the Brussels Treaty in the October 1954 .
6 The reforms already set in train were either dropped immediately or gradually diluted , and from 1883 a period of intense reaction set in .
7 Government privatization plans , already set in train in June with the flotation of one-third of the shares in the Ibusz travel agency and the reopening of the Budapest stock exchange [ see p. 37620 ] , were framed in legislation approved by the National Assembly on Sept. 18 .
8 In all of this , the Library recognises that it can only advance in the closest possible cooperation and consultation with those organisations , most notably university departments and university libraries , which have already set in place the academic and technological infrastructure to which we hope to make an increasingly useful contribution .
9 Oracle and Sybase have already set in motion plans for parallel-enabled versions of their respective database engines , and other players are expected to follow suit .
10 Presumably he had already set in motion the machinery which next month would array a large army under his command , but when he approached Limoges he still had only a few men with him .
11 Although some developers provide low cost or rented housing within their schemes , the majority of housing is aimed at the upper end of the market thus setting in motion a house price spiral which effectively freezes the locals out of home ownership .
12 Preston 's preference for two wingers allowed Bay to clamp the midfield , and they soon set in motion a stream of direct attacks of surprising accuracy .
13 Constitutional amendments formally to set in place a multiparty system were still pending , however : they were passed unanimously by the Federal Chamber on Aug. 8 , and it was hoped to secure the necessary ratification by the assemblies of the republics and provinces by Sept. 20 .
14 Having done everything in your tank preparations to avoid new tank syndrome , you can still set in motion some of the attendant problems if you start your new stock off on the wrong fin .
15 To give judgment upon these presentments , the ancient machinery of the Forest Eyre was once more set in motion after a long period of general disuse .
16 But , as so often , no one was prepared to halt the machine once set in motion and on Friday 26 January 1744 Admiral Jacques de Roquefeuil sailed out of Brest with a fleet of 22 ships , with instructions to cover the embarkation of the army at Dunkirk and then to lure the English fleet away towards the Isle of Wight .
17 Once set in motion this requires only the periodic visit to negotiate such matters as price changes .
18 But today antique jet brings good prices , and a handful of jet carvers finds a ready market for relatively simple jet jewellery , handsomely set in gold or silver .
19 Awaited since the Communist Party ( CPSU ) renounced its constitutionally guaranteed " leading role " in March , the law formally set in place a multiparty system .
20 The creation therefore is not like some frictionless machine , which once set in motion carries on until stopped , but something which is dependent on the continuing work of its Creator .
21 This disciplinary effect of free movement can also set in motion factors which reduce production costs and stimulate improvements in the non-price characteristics of goods and services .
22 For instance , maternal psychiatric disorder may have a deleterious effect on the mother-child relationship not serious enough to produce a disorder in the child , but may also set in motion a chain of other , more powerful adverse events .
23 Furthermore , I have also set in motion several of my own initiatives as well as sponsoring the suggestions of a couple of other departments .
24 Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart were his welcoming party and he was immediately at the centre of the fastest set in town .
25 On the joint initiative of France and West Germany , they also set in motion a process expected to lead by the end of 1990 to the holding of an intergovernmental conference on EC political union .
26 By raising the question of the Holy Places the French President not only gained ground at home but also set in train a long-term policy .
27 The legislation of 1861 was undoubtedly flawed , but it also set in train changes which affected most levels of Russian government and all levels of Russian society .
28 These developments have inevitably set in motion yet another of those educational bandwagons which most teachers have by now learned to view with extreme caution .
29 The Dutch cabinet has now set in train sale to the public of a majority stake in the state phone company , Koninklijke PTT Telecom Nederland NV , starting next year .
30 The laity had little interest in protecting church liberties and franchises , and the clergy were mainly set in motion by the archbishop 's concern for the harmony of the realm .
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