Example sentences of "[adv] turn to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Neglect yourself and self-doubt begins to creep in and that swiftly turns to depression .
2 As she heard her front door click , Rachel 's anger suddenly turned to dismay and as she turned to the window she found she could only see the outline of the cathedral through a mist of tears .
3 ‘ Here we are and we 've had our experiment ; there 's been one party , one dominant idea , one fully followed plan , one strong leader — and her grey shadow — and it 's all turned to shit and ashes .
4 There was this girl in a bath of asses milk , yuk ! and it had all turned to cheese , so they put her on the table with a dish of figs for afters .
5 There are only 100 places available so turn to page 216 and fill in the coupon right away to book your place .
6 The Caesars eventually turned to Christianity and became Popes .
7 IN THE horrified hush that followed , Prior Robert , guiding hand still uplifted and stricken motionless , was momentarily turned to stone , his face a mask of utter incredulity .
8 The sky was a clear , pale dome , covered in the east by a flock of tiny clouds that were already turned to pink by the sun that was still concealed , that had not yet risen .
9 At first written in German and Hebrew , these publications soon turned to English .
10 All thoughts of where they were and what was happening fled abruptly as she stared at him with a shock that soon turned to joy as she saw the expression on his face .
11 But his interest soon turned to politics , and in 1910 he entered the New York State Senate .
12 Finally to turn to South Korea , and to examine the political , economic and strategic situation between 1948 and 1950 .
13 And if you have n't yet found the right hairdresser for you , just turn to page 93 and a fantastic invitation from Wella .
14 So what I 'd like you to do if you just turn to page one sort of a couple of pages in the first one that 's numbered .
15 Perform well whatever assignments you have , have you noticed the Watchtower that were studying today , we 've all got it with you I think , just turn to page twenty six turn to page twenty two , you 'll see what it 's about , it 's about a brother Roy , who has always advocated sticking close to Jehovah 's organization , guide to organization , give you a life story , and it 's quite interesting reading , and again it 's a test of your alertness , your vigilance , whether or not your spirits be awake or not , is this the first time you 've seen that article ?
16 The efforts of educators and trainers can easily turn to demoralisation in the absence of meaningful employment opportunities .
17 Right turning to item eleven two Mid Sussex District Local County .
18 With legs slowly turning to jelly , I skied down hard , icy snow , followed by spring snow , then slush .
19 By the time we eventually turned to starboard and headed off towards the UK I was most anxious to get home : I was to be the best man at a wedding that day , and I had to get back before high noon , When the dawn really appeared we were lying very sedately over ( and we were not aware of it at the time ) Belgium .
20 Black smoke poured out , quickly turned to blue .
21 It marked the end of the long process of transformations — starting with the seething leaves of the plant , then the reeking green stage of the first steepings , and the sulphurous yellow stage of the liquor before it was exposed to the air , then binding with the air , it gradually turned to blue .
22 The escaping water would quickly turn to steam , it was feared , which would be much less efficient at removing heat .
23 However , excitement can quickly turn to anxiety when the time it takes to conceive takes longer than originally expected .
24 When art fails , you can always turn to healing and personal development
25 Shopping for floorcoverings has never been easier either ; all the major d-i-y superstores stock a huge range of sheet and tile materials ( plus all the tools and accessories you need to lay them ) , and if you ca n't find what you want there , you can always turn to specialist flooring suppliers for help .
26 On his return , he entered the Royal College of Music to study singing , but later turned to art , and in April 1914 he enrolled in the Académie Delacluse in Paris .
27 The fact that a vote for Margaret was the only way to secure a second ballot was also turned to advantage .
28 After they split , both turned to song-writing , and Gallagher wrote ‘ What 's Love Got To Do With It ? ’ for Tina Turner and tracks for Michael Jackson 's album ‘ Bad ’ .
29 Italy has received comparatively little attention , although many of its foremost artists also turned to book illustration at least once in their working lives .
30 In her despair and grief Mrs McDermott also turned to alcohol for relief .
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