Example sentences of "[adv] hold [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , some verbs seem to have no lexical content beyond one which is aimed at providing some kind of reservation about applicability of the adjectival property , examples being become and turn which place a temporal restriction on the adjective 's applicability ; the subordinate property only holds after the time indicated by the tense of the verb .
2 On a shelf was a pebble that had been polished by running water ; it was ovoid , a piece of granite about big enough to hold in a clenched fist ; a seam of quartz halved it on the diagonal .
3 Such relations do not necessarily hold within a phase if the average stresses and strains for that phase are substituted in the above . )
4 The highlight of the Junior School charities programme is the Summer Charities Fair held on the lawns in June .
5 The recent contemporary art fair held at the Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , pp. 17 and 19 ) attracted 58,533 visitors and was adjudged successful by its organisers although no sales figures were released .
6 What seemed to be a simple matter when merely held as a mental question , verbally unframed and with no thought given to response , appears as a simply impossible problem when it has actually to be put down on paper .
7 In Athens ( hitherto held by the ND ) the pro-ND independent , former Pasok Cabinet minister Antonis Tritsis [ see p. 36042 ] , was elected mayor with 50.2 per cent of the vote , defeating the Pasok-Left Coalition candidate , and former Minister of Culture Melina Mercouri , who polled 46 per cent .
8 At one point he even went as far as to tell a group of American diplomats that he expected the United States to take over the " primary role " which the British had hitherto held in the Middle East .
9 The group also organised more seminars last year , all held at the Chartered Institute of Transport , free to TSUG members , and covering a wide range of topics .
10 Sometimes it is all held in a single incident .
11 Even those assets whose supply is controlled by the authorities are not all held by the controlled institutions .
12 Ruth rose too , suddenly held by a despair more absolute than any she 'd yet felt .
13 By the sixteenth century the initiative long held by the defender , surrendered in the late fourteenth century , had been largely regained .
14 The history of mathematics — long held by the Classical Greeks to have originated from Ancient Egypt — was swept under the academic carpet and lost .
15 The first of these , which formed part of Gloucester 's original endowment , was the manor of Kingston Lacy in Dorset , which he apparently held for the rest of the reign .
16 The first of these , which formed part of Gloucester 's original endowment , was the manor of Kingston Lacy in Dorset , which he apparently held for the rest of the reign .
17 The Serbian government is unlikely to start problems in an area it already holds with an iron fist .
18 At the same time , sociologists of education generally hold to the view that schools can have an important role in both conservation and social change .
19 Just hold onto the idea that certain operators will possess mathematical properties which make them perfectly suited to the role of representing physical observables .
20 Look , just hold on a wee minute .
21 Just hold on a minute , now , for this is very interesting .
22 I 'm coming Bryony , I think she 's shouting now , do n't come downstairs with your trousers round your ankles ooh oh what a clever girl , stand still while I wipe your bot , ooh come here , bendy over , touch your toes , clever girl , down you go , that 's it , what a clever girl , right just hold on a minute , wait a minute , let me put some water in here and then , oh dear
23 one , two , you just hold on a minute can you , just wait till Mark 's finished , cos it gets a bit confusing cos we get too many people knocking about .
24 Just hold on a minute ! , just look at all that stuff on there !
25 But I said that and sort of just holding on a level now like , is n't it ?
26 Go ahead , hello is Sergeant Briggs there please , if you would just hold for a minute , beep , beep , beep , beep , beep , hello this is Sergeant Briggs who 's calling ?
27 The winner was Barry Fullerton of Ballymena Scott Rooftiles , who with Harold Brennan ( CB Hire/Kings Moss CC ) just held off the big bunch by 28 two seconds .
28 Well they were just just held in the barns too .
29 So tight that children were securely fastened to their parents , some with leather baby reins that had become too small , others were in prams , trolleys or just held by the firm grip of an adult hand .
30 In Whessoe 's case they offered shareholders one new share for every four already held at a price of 185p to raise funds to purchase the Californian-based Varec .
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