Example sentences of "[adv] hold [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Oldham boss Peter Tunks has , I understand , already held talks with Strett and , should he clinch a deal with the 24-year-old Orrell stand-off , then he expects to follow up with a tempting contract for England winger Heslop .
2 The Association has already held talks with junior health minister Stephen Dorrell who said he fully appreciated the valuable service provided by volunteer drivers .
3 Councillors have already held talks with the town 's bus operators with a view to reducing the number of vehicles using the centre .
4 First of all , according to the Jewish law no Rabbi or teacher should ever hold conversation with a woman alone !
5 Between 1928 and 1939 Nizan was to experience the bitter reality of communist party membership , the ever-present difficulty of reconciling intellectually coherent and genuinely held beliefs with the tactical manoeuvring and politically expedient policies of a party attempting to survive the twists and turns of history in a highly unpredictable socio-political climate .
6 However , this subconsciously held conflict with his father in subsequent over identification with er led Wilson to be somewhat stubborn , perhaps even complicational as a , as you know , as presidency of the United States , which were , were often directed towards or often only minor details of his work , but he would n't he would n't actually range them towards say , any major .
7 Local groups also hold meetings with speakers at which those caring for relatives or friends with the condition can learn more .
8 While no decisions have been reached on how this would be organised or financed , he is also holding discussions with various insurance companies .
9 The town Soviet was also to hold discussions with representatives from the factories and the women 's section .
10 Mr Millichip has also held discussions with officials of the Irish Republic — also drawn in the same group .
11 The UMP leader Maxime Carlot also held discussions with the three smaller parties , but the price demanded in Cabinet seats by both the VP and the MPP proved too high .
12 Chinese Premier Li Peng also held talks with Wee , and expressed his confidence that a peaceful settlement to the Cambodian issue would be reached .
13 At a time of radical and rapid change in the Soviet Union the visit represented an opportunity to develop ties with Russia , and Solanki also held talks with Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Foreign Minister Andrey Kozyrev .
14 Boutros-Ghali also held talks with Croatian Prime Minister Franjo Greguric .
15 Nastase also held talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen , who was also on an official visit to Spain .
16 EC negotiators also held talks with Serbian President Milosevic , acting Federal Defence Minister Col.-Gen .
17 Prior to his visit to the Middle East , Mitterrand had held a round of talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Paris , and Mubarak had also held talks with visiting Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres on Nov. 15 .
18 Baroness Chalker , who later held talks with the African National Congress director of foreign affairs , Thabo Mbeki , also stressed Britain 's ‘ enormous interest ’ in South Africa 's transition to a stable , democratic and non-racial society .
19 Baker also held talks with opposition leaders who expressed willingness to discuss the formation of a coalition with the ruling party and government .
20 He also held talks with senior officials from the World Bank and the IMF .
21 A protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and Byelarus was signed on Feb. 14 during a two-day visit to Romania by Petr Kravchenko , the Byelarus Foreign Minister , who also held talks with Iliescu , Stolojan and Nastase .
22 He also held talks with President Hosni Mubarak .
23 We also held meetings with women from other sectors , such as campesina and market women , so that we could exchange experiences and ideas .
24 Brooke also held meetings with John Hume , leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party ( SDLP ) .
25 As a result , Regional Railways is now holding discussions with every local authority with a population of more than 250,000 from Aberdeen to Plymouth .
26 Philip looked at him now holding Caspar with one hand and throwing bits of stick at the dead magpie to knock it off the branch .
27 Pakistan and Saudi Arabia both played important roles in secret negotiations , with Gen. Dostam visiting both countries in late November and reportedly holding talks with Prince Turki al-Faisal , head of Saudi intelligence .
28 IN A CHANGE of policy designed to help bring about a ceasefire in Angola , John Major , the Foreign Secretary , will today hold talks with Jonas Savimbi , the leader of the Unita rebels , writes John Bulloch .
29 What I 've said is that I 'd like to see the existing C P O's become divisional staff at the division that they are working now so that the divisional commander can allow them to stay there holding hands with the new civilian C P O for up to six months if necessary because it then becomes a local decision as to when the when the two have that umbilical cut .
30 In his West Berlin speech on a New Europe and a New Atlanticism , Mr Baker , who had earlier held talks with Chancellor Helmut Kohl , proposed strengthening Washington 's links with the EC , possibly through a new treaty that would give the US a formal presence in EC institutions .
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