Example sentences of "[adv] be [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 The Design Change ( DC ) has successfully been submitted for assessment by all interested users ; ie. all users who have a package containing any of the modules listed on the DC , managers of all modules listed on the DC and the DC submitter .
2 Female choice has only properly been tested for in the case of one such character , the long tail of a species of widow bird , and it was confirmed to be operating .
3 Commanding Generals rarely are known for their sense humility .
4 The books have mostly been notified for publication this week .
5 When any seeds arrive from him I will take the first opportunity of sending you a share and in return shall trouble you for some Northern and Welsh plants which I hope we shall make proper conveniency to receive into our Garden in a short time ; for several of those which you were so good as to furnish me with a few years since are lost for want of proper soil and situation , the natural earth of our Garden being too light and dry and the bottom too warm .
6 A huge area has since been cleared for the construction of flyovers , underpasses , multi-lane carriageways and slip roads , with forlorn office blocks and high rise flats standing around them , either waiting to be demolished or recently erected .
7 This is important because specific mechanisms have since been developed for subsidizing private operations in the inner area , but it should also be noted that all inner-area housing sites were already designated as housing land and there were no ‘ change of use ’ profits to be made on them .
8 It has since been cared for rather better and now appears much improved .
9 In the Septizonium , an ancient Roman temple at the south-east corner of the Palatine , which had long since been annexed for other uses , safe from outside interference and imperial troops , for it was still possible for emperors to attempt to interfere with elections , the election commenced after each cardinal had celebrated mass and all of them had exchanged the kiss of peace .
10 Open Accounting was originally developed on Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 9000 range , but has since been implemented for the RS/6000 , Sequent Computer Systems Corp boxes and Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha running OSF/1 .
11 The fedora hat that adorned Allison 's head like a halo during Crystal Palace 's improbable run to the l976 FA Cup semi-finals has since been auctioned for charity .
12 Latterly , until its closure in 1963 , it was used by the permanent-way department , and has since been sold for industrial purposes .
13 By the time of the second inquiry the house had effectively been abandoned for nearly twenty years and was suffering from extensive coal mining subsidence ; and it was likely to suffer still more in the future .
14 The government announced on Aug. 20 that it was planning to open up for exploration by foreign oil companies areas that had hitherto been reserved for Indian state-owned companies .
15 Nostrils had only been gone for ten minutes before the speaker announced :
16 Its proper specification has only been given for some simple cases .
17 DNA bending does not seem to be a general feature of eukaryotic transcription factors and has hitherto only been demonstrated for little more than a handful of such proteins ( see e.g. 44,69 and references therein ) .
18 She had only been daunted for a moment , however .
19 Since the Second World War , this has only been used for storage .
20 A superb SWAN which has only been used for private cruising in the Med .
21 ABOVE The preparation of land for forestry can destroy even well-preserved archaeological sites , particularly on land which has only been used for pasture .
22 In commerce the designation ivory has sometimes been extended to nuts of the Phytelephas palm of South America , but this has only been used for making things like buttons , draughtsmen and netsuke .
23 In the big front room the flags were as good as new — no wear at all — and Hannah told me it had only been used for funerals and pig-killings .
24 To protect privacy , phone numbers have only been included for those governing bodies which have an office .
25 Naturally , VI would rather sell X-Designer than enhance rival products , but in the US where X-Designer has only been sold for the past year , rival products have a much stronger hold and the separation of the Graph Widgets enables a toehold into these accounts for the VI sales force .
26 It has only been opened for two years and is a nice modern hospital though not as posh as Pat 's .
27 Although partial 16S sequences ( the first 700 bases ) are known for incompatibility bacteria from several insect species , nearly complete sequences have only been published for incompatibility bacteria of the mosquito Culex pipiens and wasps of the genus Nasonia .
28 Vibrational excitation has only been reported for a few simple molecules in the gas phase , as shown in Fig. 5.8 , and vibrational structure may also be seen on some bands arising from electronic transitions .
29 That might seem to be precisely the sort of querulous argument which the Left has familiarly been scorned for posing .
30 It had apparently been arranged for the drugs to be delivered to a warehouse in Bristol .
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