Example sentences of "[adv] see [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each national economy is not only seen as part of that world economic ( and social ) system , it is treated as subordinate to its global forces .
2 Usually only seen at night , the badger is well established in quiet urban areas .
3 It was a world beyond my wildest dreams ; one I had only seen on celluloid in the cinema at Fontanellato .
4 But his speculation — so far only seen in outline , in a methodological ( and often polemical ) essay rather than in a series of detailed studies — point to what I believe to be the correct questions even if he does not provide all the right answers .
5 Parasitic bronchitis is only seen in adult cattle under two circumstances .
6 So Wilson 's work of ‘ Cader Idris ’ , even if only seen by Green as a print , must have been of seminal interest .
7 The fountain in the park was an enchantment , with the orchestra at the beginning iridescent , all seen in reflection from afar .
8 The laws cover ritual and worship and many aspects of life — but all seen in relation to him .
9 Simultaneously the Mercure de France published in its October issues the letters of-Cézanne to Emile Bernard , including the letter which contains the passage : ‘ Allow me to repeat what I said to you here : deal with nature in terms of the cylinder , the sphere , the cone , all seen in perspective , so that each side of an object or plane is directed towards a central point .
10 She felt intimidated ; these men were the most powerful in the land , men you only saw on television or in the press .
11 He not only saw off no-confidence motions , but won the Congress round to supporting direct elections for an executive presidency .
12 As we climbed higher the jungle became more marshy and exotic , with the sort of plants you usually only see as plastic decorations .
13 Although horses only see in black and white , which is really varying forms of grey like in black and white photographs , they are much more conscious of colour than we would expect .
14 When , a few weeks later , Labour overturned a large Tory majority in a by-election at East Fulham , this was widely seen as evidence of the popularity of pacifism — despite the fact that Labour 's candidate , John Wilmot , had been more concerned to appeal to Liberal supporters of the League than to whatever sentiment may have existed in Fulham in favour of war resistance .
15 This provoked a public outcry [ see p. 37913 ] and was widely seen as evidence of his autocratic style of government , already reflected in his combining the presidency with the chairmanship of the ruling Peronist party [ see p. 37651 ] .
16 Widely seen as part of the Thatcher government 's policy of ‘ privatization ’ , the 1982 Act effectively allows specific private auditors to be imposed upon local government .
17 The moves were widely seen as part of an attempt to end the 15-year civil war by meeting conditions demanded by the opposition UNITA rebels .
18 The move was widely seen as part of the Socialist Party 's strategy for the regional elections in March to counter the growing popularity of far-right views .
19 The savagery of the violence , the worst seen since independence , heightened fears about the survival of India 's secular democracy and elicited widespread international condemnation .
20 Colleagues were quoted as saying that Heber was rarely seen on campus .
21 Nobody knew what legal matters they had to sort out as they were spied from Martindale 's Gate traversing the shrubbery paths of The Hall in deep conversation , and they were rarely seen in company in the village except on an occasional outing together to buy postage stamps .
22 Conversely , whereas personal selling is the single most important means of promoting industrial goods and services , it is rarely seen in consumer markets .
23 The vehicle appears to have remained in this condition for the remainder of its ownership by Croydon Corporation , but was rarely seen in daylight .
24 Austen Chamberlain , despite his limitations , was an ally of a staunchness rarely seen in politics .
25 The crag rat , or Rattus lithographus , is a strange specimen rarely seen in limestone hitherto because of the friable nature of the rocks , until now usually preferring Lakeland granite or Pennine gritstone .
26 International law forbids outsiders to intervene in civil wars , and premature recognition of breakaway states is properly seen as interference in the domestic affairs of the state endeavouring not to fragment .
27 Thus even in a situation where Creole is permitted , none may in fact be spoken — or if it is , it may be limited to ritualised tokens such as the tags man , guy and star , which , though they lie within the boundaries of the folk concept " Patois " are best seen as part of the language of black-influenced youth culture .
28 Venus and Saturn are best seen before sunrise .
29 They are best seen in daylight , naturally . ’
30 In addition some criticism has been made of the new hang as focal paintings viewed down the gallery vistas — for example Raphael 's ‘ Sistine Madonna ’ — are no longer seen in isolation , but comments in the German press and from museum curators have on the whole been overwhelmingly enthusiastic .
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