Example sentences of "[adv] see [prep] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 This world with all its concerns was thus seen as but an ‘ ante-room ’ of heaven .
2 They were unlike anything ever seen before and for a while even the term ‘ Dalek Operator ’ , credited at the end of each episode , substantiated the myth that they were actually radio-controlled robots .
3 He took them to Mahala Andrews , an expert in fossil fishes at the Chambers Street Museum to learn that these were specimens no-one had ever seen before and they included a species of fresh water shark .
4 The Crown Princess , the future High Queen , beautiful and untried , and more desirable than any woman Fergus had ever seen before or since .
5 After four more weeks , with the last amendments now seen to and the last portions of the manuscript finally delivered , his mood was more settled .
6 After much discussion and some practise sorties a dogfight routine was worked out , as Lindsey recalls : ‘ In those days dogfighting World War Two aircraft at airshows was a routine that the public had not really seen before and it was rather exciting for us pilots to re-enact the aerial combats of yesteryear .
7 He 's still regularly seen at or near displays .
8 Nobody wants a florid letter from someone they have never seen before but as an actor your style and personality must come through sufficiently — a bare list of parts played wo n't convey much .
9 Deacon 's structure involves two complementary shapes joined at right angles ; shapes that one has never seen before but one recognises as familiar .
10 Sam thought for a second he could smell damp straw — ’ … and carried many miles to a place they have never seen before and from which they can never return .
11 I was n't too keen on this cheek to cheek business , with men I 'd never seen before and did n't know the names of , but I kept on telling myself not to be standoffish and to relax a bit , but as for jiving — no , I could n't do that .
12 It is one I have never seen before and I wonder how many hours of patient madness produces such things .
13 Genetic engineering , matily called ‘ geemag ’ by those in the know , was , said two articles , ready for exploitation , not least in producing crop plants never seen before and in correcting genetic diseases in man .
14 Some of them I had never seen before and some were there to satisfy their curiosity .
15 He even had on a collar and tie , which I 'd never seen before and which he would tug at every now and then as if it were too tight .
16 In this city where everything is possible , and he cuts such a figure in his light suit and striped silk tie , and is 32 and full of self-confidence , and can walk up to a girl he has never seen before and with a disarming smile ask her when lighting-up time is — how can he be wearing a maroon crew-necked sweater , and cavalry twill trousers with turnups , and be 22 , and find himself running after a girl and being told that she may or may not see him tomorrow ?
17 These roads not only allowed the fenlands to be exploited to the full for the first time , they also changed the way of life there , to an extent never seen before or since .
18 A man she had never seen before or since came at night .
19 Moreover , transient lower oesophageal sphincter relaxations , which are a prerequisite for reflux to occur in the presence of a normal resting pressure of the sphincter , were never seen before or during the non-deglutitive motor activity .
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