Example sentences of "[adv] make up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remainder comes mostly from the countries around the Mediterranean , but what the original almond growers lack in quantity they apparently make up for in quality .
2 The smaller Gulf states had already decided that , under threat from their ex-champion Iraq , they should sensibly make up with their ex-enemy Iran .
3 An outline of the settlement of the barbarians in Gaul up until the 450s is necessarily made up of fragments from a variety of sources , not all of which are in agreement .
4 As the arrivals list is only made up from guests who have made reservations in advance , it will not show ‘ chance ’ guests or a guest who changes rooms after the list has been circulated .
5 It is almost entirely made up of Issaq people , the clan of northern , formerly British , Somalia .
6 In Britain , it is almost entirely made up of upper-middle class , late-middle aged , white men .
7 Keith Richards tells with a mixture of jealousy and amazement the story that the guitar classes John Lee conducts at home are entirely made up of young girls .
8 And the Castle was not entirely made up of sadness and shadows .
9 In fact atoms are almost entirely made up of free space .
10 Such an equation is basically made up of two parts : viz which indicates that business conditions are good , and which indicates business conditions are poor .
11 One thing , yesterday , we were talking about my wonderful stick man , here he is basically made up of his personality , a number of attitudes and outward behaviour .
12 There were more than a few ‘ One Sergeant Wilko ’ and similar chants during the evening , perhaps making up for the heat-of-the-moment bollocking he got at Anfield for taking off a very industrious Rod Wallace .
13 It would seem highly unlikely , except at the times when falling piece rates forced them to , that domestic workers averaged such hours through the week , although they must have worked them on some days , if only to make up for slacker work early in the week .
14 These people have always Done Things in previous lives , perhaps to make up for their rather undistinguished efforts while being alive and in their own bodies .
15 If you get stuck in submissiveness you will often seek forgiveness and try endlessly to make up for what you have done !
16 The world No. 1 gave the tie her best , however , but even that was not enough to make up for the shortcomings of her second in command , Claudia Kohde- Kilsch .
17 Although people were allowed to eat other foods freely , in fact when they were deprived of their refined carbohydrates they tended not to increase their intake of these alternative foods very much — not enough to make up for the calories they were saving .
18 Some cooks are born great , others have their natural skill improved by training , yet others train hard enough to make up for a lack of natural talent .
19 But that one painted notice is not enough to make up for the shabby doors , scruffy brickwork , and grimy frosted glass .
20 I 've got some stamps , enough to make up to ninepence .
21 His ingenious situation concerns very small homunculi from space , of the order of magnitude of body cells , who enter a human being in large numbers and colonize him to such an extent that he is eventually made up of small conscious entities .
22 Yet , at the same time , we live in a world which in reality is predominantly made up of couples and families .
23 I saw a Mummy examined that had been embalmed for 2,000 years ; the embalmer had taken out all the Viscera of the head , Thorax and Abdomen and cut all the flesh off the bones , and the cavities of the Thorax & Abdomen were filled up with Tar , Pitch & c and the form of the leg , Thigh & c were altogether made up of linen Rags dipp 'd in Tar , Pitch , & c so that I have an Opinion that they were allow 'd to carry the dead Body home by pretending to embalm it to preserve the Flesh & c , but you see they either buried or burnt the Flesh : this art always ‘ till lately appeared to me ridiculous as I know how soon putrefaction took place after Death ; since that time I have often thought it would be pleasing if we could fall upon a method of preserving dead Bodies & I thought that mankind in general would wish to have the Bodies of their Friends & c Preserved .
24 Although it is mostly made up of perennial plants which will come up fresh in spring , there are one or two evergreen shrubs added for structure : an upright rosemary and a couple of spiky yuccas .
25 We are all familiar with water , as our bodies are mostly made up of it , and it is the easiest thing to dowse for .
26 It 's actually mostly made up of the skeletons of billions of tiny sea creatures .
27 The INI files are mostly made up of lines like this :
28 The current population is mostly made up of scientists and support staff working on contract for one or two years .
29 They were mostly made up of their families .
30 Television , radio , cable and video are all " regulated " by boards and commissions , mostly made up of Government appointees .
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