Example sentences of "[adv] make at the " in BNC.

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1 If the application to amend is only made at the hearing , if it will prejudice the opposing party , especially if it shifts the burden of proof it may be disallowed ( see Emin v Mustapha ( 1982 ) The Times , 24 October ) .
2 The new appointments , all made at the end of 1861 or the beginning of 1862 , bespoke a regime that was about to make further changes .
3 I do n't say that this is so , only that the allegation was widely made at the time .
4 On pages 14 and 15 , see our lovely salmon and salad menu — it 's very quick to prepare , very light , and for that special touch , the salmon is served with an impressive hollandaise sauce : this is best made at the last minute , but it 's not difficult and well worth the effort .
5 It is best made at the last possible moment , although it can be kept warm for a short time in a bowl set over a pan of hot water .
6 Application for leave is usually made at the pre-trial review .
7 The choice of reference , whether it is to be to expert or arbitrator , is in any event usually made at the time of the original contract which precedes the time when the parties know whether they have an " issue to settle " or a " formulated dispute " , and they will be obliged to use whatever procedure was stipulated , unless they make some fresh agreement .
8 This landing by Group 2 was deliberately made at the base of some sheer , snow-covered rocks 30 feet high , for no German machine-guns were likely to cover such an apparently impossible landing point , the enemy unaware the commandos had developed their techniques for such rough landings .
9 Protective enclosures in the form of boxes and portfolios are also made at the Bindery .
10 Such evaluations are frequently made at the aggregate scale , for a city or designated redevelopment area as a whole .
11 As well as the contents of the official register ( use official form of request for certificate of search ) , search is invariably made at the same time for other information noted on the records of the local authority of which a buyer needs to be informed ( two forms here ; one for London boroughs and one for all other district councils ) .
12 The beamed sitting room has an open fire and the appropriately named ‘ honesty bar ’ where guests are invited to help themselves to drinks , and then record their indulgences on a slate — charges are then made at the end of the visit .
13 but Vietnam joined Laos to torpedo Malaysia 's attempts to have the conference renew the endorsement of ZOPFAN previously made at the Algiers Summit Conference .
14 Then other members of the panel , the Western Regional Coordinating Committee on Predator Control ( WRCC-26 ) , sent a letter to a rancher ‘ apologising ’ for comments Black allegedly made at the committee 's annual meeting in Waco , Texas .
15 An edit is therefore made at the start of each shot , and this means that the record machine should be capable of making clean edits , in other words , that it should have the backspace facility ( see page 35 ) .
16 Changes in phase excitation are therefore made at the constant clock frequency and the instantaneous position of the motor relative to the target is recorded it , the downcounter .
17 However , charges of corruption were certainly made at the time , and one must try to discover how firmly they were based .
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