Example sentences of "[adv] as they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope we get a replacement , ’ Müller said heartlessly as they settled down to work .
2 They should have done much better as they dominated for long spells , but failed miserably in the art of scoring .
3 Gold ( 1958 ) suggests that the researcher may be : ( a ) a complete participant , concealing his true identity and intentions from the group , and living entirely as they do ; or ( b ) a participant-as-observer , actively involved in the group , but they know the researcher is not really one of them ; or ( c ) an observer-as-participant , a less common mode , usually involving a brief visit with limited participation .
4 Rachel asked suddenly as they drank black coffee , because the question had been burning on her mind for some time , and she told herself it was important strategically to find out , although she suspected the truth was that he fascinated her .
5 Then , just as suddenly as they had grabbed at his throat , the hands released his windpipe and the weight lifted off him .
6 And then , as suddenly as they had appeared , they vanished .
7 Her tears dried as suddenly as they had appeared .
8 They were gone as suddenly as they had come .
9 As suddenly as they had begun , the two men disengaged , as though some unspoken signal had passed between them , and resumed their wary circling .
10 And how many times , on re-entering occupied space , did the phenomena depart as suddenly as they came ?
11 ‘ Look around you , ’ Scathach hissed suddenly as they came round a curve in the river , riding slowly .
12 ‘ Look around you , ’ Scathach hissed suddenly as they came round a curve in the river , riding slowly .
13 And then , just as suddenly as they 'd started , they stopped .
14 The rains may disappear as suddenly as they arrived ; the pond may dry out within a few days , and so the whole cycle of breeding activity must be completed in the shortest possible time .
15 The bombs stopped as suddenly as they started but the hollow screams of anti-aircraft shells continued without pause .
16 She found herself smiling at him suddenly as they gained the shelter of the sitting-room and went in search of towels .
17 All the males of the Khedive 's family tended to thicken out and age suddenly as they approached middle age .
18 It appeared quite suddenly as they turned a sharp bend , an imposing stone edifice with ivy-clad walls , set among tall poplars , well back from the road .
19 He looked at his watch pointedly as they met .
20 After this phase of the experiment was over , subjects were allowed to sleep as much as they wished , but continued to keep sleep diaries for a year .
21 Though it is mistaken to suppose that the British made no effort to leave the Masai better than they found them , it is clear that their potential emergence from the colonial period much as they had entered it was something their administrators could in the end accept with equanimity .
22 Problems of access and transport remained until the 1750s much as they had for centuries , the roads miry and troublesome in winter , the tidal river valleys well-nigh impassable .
23 The patriarchal values of the countryside seem unthreatening by contrast , much as they do in Francesco Rosi 's film Three brothers , in which a similar transaction between city and countryside is followed through .
24 The young women of the hareem , her foster sisters , cousins and young aunts scurried around her much as they do in any society , running errands , advising , gossiping .
25 Much as they admired him and loved him , he seemed to have let them down .
26 She was always demanding something to the extent that she completely upset the ward routine and had the nursing staff , much as they tried to sympathize with her , at the end of their tethers .
27 Incongruous , too , because La Dame de Fer and her redoubtable overseas mouthpiece , British Sources , spoke much as they did six months ago in Madrid when the Berlin Wall stood firm and Alexander Dubcek was still an obscure forestry official .
28 ’ Some of the older staff have reacted by attempting to do the job much as they have always done it , which means , in effect , engaging in various minor acts of deviance from new bureaucratic demands in order to minimize the trouble caused .
29 " Spain has managed to maintain those areas much as they have been since the Middle Ages , because industrial development here has been much slower than in other European nations .
30 ‘ He 's called Henry , ’ she said idly as they walked along , ‘ after my grandfather , and also I think after my father 's elder brother , who died in a railway accident .
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