Example sentences of "[adv] as for the " in BNC.

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1 Varies : much as for The Rational if you have the binge in your own home and do n't serve champagne ; but can go through the roof if you hire a restaurant and insist on Moet all the way through .
2 In insisting on the fact that science starts with problems , then , is it not the case that , for the falsificationist just as for the naive inductivist , science starts from observation ?
3 For , just as for the similar sailors there would always be another ship , so for the mobile diggers there would always be some other great construction project when the present one finished .
4 Then we calculate and proceed exactly as for the TRP .
5 The displays were exactly as for the vertical symmetry task , except that the monitor was rotated 90° clockwise .
6 Now as for the difference between county and district , Mr 's point is a very very valid one .
7 What clearly frustrates him is that so much of the money now sloshing around in professional tennis , is being spent in damaging — or at least potentially damaging ways — rather than for the good of the game , as well as for the good of the individuals who are benefitting .
8 The three stages of the exercise are : examination of personal values of the participants ; evaluation of existing services in the light of values expressed ; and a focus on ways of changing services so that carers can have access to ‘ valued lifestyles for themselves , as well as for the people they care for ’ .
9 The agreement , reached at a meeting of foreign ministers in Luxembourg , will barely affect BBC and ITV programming but has more sweeping implications for nascent commercial companies as well as for the poorer public channels in southern Europe .
10 Decisions about data collection should be determined by the need for an informed society as well as for the concerns of government ; 2 .
11 Policing in Northern Ireland is a very controversial topic in a sensitive environment , and this sensitivity has implications for the research ( on which see Brewer 1990 b ) , especially its design and location , as well as for the validity and reliability of the results .
12 The two archbishops thought that Ramsey would be an excellent bishop but it was not right , it was bad for the Church as well as for the study of divinity , to take him out of the Cambridge chair after so short a tenure .
13 In 1974 Labour introduced new policies for each of these , as well as for the EEC , housing finance , and trade union law .
14 The widespread agreement across the electorate on many issues increases the possibilities for voters to shop around the political parties , as well as for the political parties to attract voters who are not traditional supporters .
15 For propaganda as well as for the military effort , Stalingrad was a débâcle .
16 For the Nonconformist minister as well as for the man in the pew , preaching lay at the heart of chapel life .
17 … in Justice to the Memory of the Author , as well as for the Satisfaction of all those who have so chearfully and generously contributed to improve the best Legacy she could bequeath to her Father , we beg leave to inform them , that her Conduct and Behaviour entirely corresponded with those virtuous and pious Sentiments which are conspicuous in her Poems .
18 The Trusts , with their concern for public access and amenity , and increasingly for conservation-conscious farming and forestry , as well as for the protection of wildlife , will ensure that large areas of land are maintained to high standards of conservation .
19 The agricultural improvements resulting from drainage did open up the possibility of betterment for the small man , as well as for the great landowners .
20 The performances in Oxford itself of this summer 's season of theâtre de chambre will take place in the Debating Chamber of the Oxford Union , often used as a theatre , well-known to television viewers and famous as a training-ground for many of this country 's members of Parliament , including a number of Prime Ministers , as well as for the addresses there by statesmen from all over the world .
21 We turn to wild nature for new crops and new drugs , as well as for the beauty that enriches our lives .
22 for children 's ability to concentrate and thus benefit from school , as well as for the self-discipline required to achieve success in a chosen field of endeavour ;
23 Legislation has a part to play in maintaining safety but individuals have a responsibility to control personal behaviour for their own benefit as well as for the survival and well-being of others .
24 But all this is beyond the needs of the average local historian , as well as for the most part being beyond his general skills , so this chapter is devoted to giving a broad general outline of how handwriting developed , defining some of the terms used , and describing some of the early styles .
25 Do n't forget that customers can be defined for each lower-order element of the model , as well as for the system as a whole .
26 The plans he envisaged included the amenities for local people as well as for the tourists .
27 There should be story-telling and reading for older children as well as for the young .
28 It is these patterns which are responsible for the body it now has fashioned , as well as for the individual ‘ personality ’ of each creature .
29 So this pattern , which becomes a matter of long-standing habit , may involve paying higher prices for goods , as well as for the credit service itself .
30 The imposition of taxes without Parliamentary consent in order to pay for these expensive tastes , as well as for the needs of government , angered the landed classes , who were affected by new forest laws , by the levying of the Ship Money tax and by fines for technical offences .
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