Example sentences of "[adv] from [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We strongly suspected that when these Black women sought assistance , eg from local authority housing departments , institutionalised racism plus the sexism they experienced , were compounded together and further exasperated their problems .
2 Now her body was fat and scarred from constant childbearing , and her face wrinkled prematurely from habitual frowning .
3 She felt nothing very much , except the sense of moving inexorably from one moment to the next , and accepting what each brought .
4 Or should it be able , despite being owned by the State , to distance itself somewhat from political authority ?
5 Now upstream from Golden Girl , Trent looked back .
6 The Scouts had rushed skiddingly from one pod to the next , annihilating languid swanky drugsters , warbling liquorites , squirming orgiasts who were responding to the war in their own indulgent style , if they even heeded it at all .
7 So there is some choice and ah , yeah , we perhaps need to think about whether you know better from last year whether it 's still a half term .
8 Little of the CO 2 -induced increase in potential WUE might be realized if higher A/g resulted entirely from stomatal closure .
9 There is a third point of view : that of weary or wilful ignorance , which has since banished the question almost entirely from intellectual discussion among ordinary , concerned people .
10 Boyd Orr 's malnourished population was drawn almost entirely from this section of the working class and it was their lives which changed little during the inter-war years as Carl Chinn , and other writers have noted .
11 It builds its nest entirely from air-borne material such as cotton , plant fibres , hairs and feathers .
12 The later stages , at still higher Rayleigh number , have not yet yielded to theoretical analysis and our knowledge of them comes entirely from experimental observation .
13 Early magnetrons tended to switch suddenly from one wavelength to another — just as a simple tube ( like a bugle ) can play several notes .
14 Instead the pattern jumped suddenly from one picture to the other as the voltage was varied .
15 In hyperacute cases sheep die suddenly from haemorrhagic gastritis .
16 Perhaps , I only say perhaps , I promise nothing , ’ he said , throwing his purse carelessly from one hand to another , ‘ perhaps I have been told to give you a present when you lose your apprentice . ’
17 Methane is produced naturally from anaerobic decay in marshes , in the breath of ruminant animals such as cattle and antelope , and from the rear ends of termites .
18 Caterina judged then , as she watched Rosa pin her hair , that the ease with which she , Caterina , won applause — when she danced and sang the cherry song , or strewed flowers before the host in the procession , making a little reverence to the monstrance on every third step backwards — was undeserved , the effect of some trick she did not want to perform but that came to her naturally from some evil in her , the same evil that had inspired her bad thoughts of Tommaso and prevented her doing as her sister , her beloved sister , wanted .
19 Most schools , I am glad to say , have aquariums and goldfish , water snails , weeds , stones , shells are to be observed carefully and often and the children can then create a picture from a real experience , not necessarily from direct observation , but with the experience near at hand for reference when needed .
20 It follows almost necessarily from this pattern of life and work that Baldwin 's main decisions were taken by highly intuitive methods and often in unorthodox places .
21 Grace Buckley , fuel and by-products manager of the electricity company , said it had agreed that the Midlothian pit should supply 100,000 tonnes annually from next month because of the success of a trial order .
22 Fuller analysis of the skeletomuscular mechanisms that operate in flight shows that these are complicated and vary appreciably from one group of insects to another .
23 What is clear , as we shall see below from both victimisation studies and official statistics , is that the crime rate had not decreased under the Conservatives and Home Office projections for the 1990s suggested that the increase was likely to continue .
24 Once a day he was to practise his relaxation technique and his breathing exercise and then , in the privacy of his own bedroom , to try reading aloud from any book he chose .
25 Lesley-Jane , perhaps from long experience of having her mother going on about her or perhaps just from exhaustion , did not seem to be listening .
26 Perhaps from religious instruction , I do n't know .
27 They had.anticipated being able to save money on salaries , perhaps from long-term absence , or by reducing expenditure in one area in order to spend it elsewhere .
28 To combat this menace people usually travelled in groups , perhaps from one inn to the next , and they commonly carried arms to defend themselves and carried arms to defend themselves and their property while on the journey .
29 The teacher may wish to introduce pupils to evidence from archaeology , and perhaps from aerial photography .
30 Not only may the strength of the light vary , perhaps from full sunshine to overcast , but the colour of the light can also change .
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