Example sentences of "[adv] at every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have obviously at every Conference a certain amount also of Constitutional motions , er an organizational motion , and some , and some of tomorrow will be taken up with that as well as the announ , er announcement concerning the elections for the various committees .
2 So at every generation , each individual tends to get a comprehensive mix of the chromosomes that are available in the population .
3 Inter-Service friction has been eased over the years by successive steps taken to concentrate greater power in the hands of the Central staffs as more tri-Service experienced officers have become available ; and to bring the Services closer together at every level of command , and in training and operations .
4 The past becomes a projected image created retrospectively at every moment , just as a ‘ biogram ’ is ‘ the abstracted absolute of your conscious patterns throughout your life ’ .
5 It was played incessantly on the radio and at least once at every dance I went to , and the haunting melody was nearly always in my mind .
6 But also at every age , we can do things which are perhaps just a little beyond our reach .
7 Somehow my pursuer had guessed correctly at every turn .
8 Resolutions calling for an international strike were passed unanimously at every meeting and there was similar enthusiasm in Liverpool , Cardiff , Glasgow , Belfast , Hull , the north east coast and from mass meetings in Antwerp , Dunkerque , Amsterdam , in Denmark and in Norway , all addressed by a team of NSFU speakers , including Wilson , Cathery and Hopkins .
9 In the manufacturing counties you see the wheel going almost at every door , the wool and the yarn hanging up at every window , the looms , the winders , the combers , the carders , the dyers , the dressers , all busy ; and the very children as well as the women constantly employed .
10 Even when there are n't seemingly many jobs for anybody I think a mathematician is probably as well off as anybody to get a job , almost at every level .
11 After we had mounted the third hill , we found the country one continued village , tho' mountainous every way , as before ; hardly a house standing out of a speaking distance from another , and … we could see that almost at every house there was a tenter , and almost on every tenter a piece of cloth , or kersie , or shalloon , for they are three articles of that country 's labour ; from which the sun glancing , and , as I may say , shining ( the white reflecting its rays ) to us , I thought it was the most agreeable sight that I ever saw , for the hills , as I say , rising and falling so thick , and the valleys opening sometimes one way , sometimes another , so that sometimes we could see two or three miles this way , sometimes as far another ; sometimes like the streets near St Giles 's , called the Seven Dials ; we could see through the glades almost every way round us , yet look which way we would , high to the tops , and low to the bottoms , it was all the same ; innumerable houses and tenters , and a white piece upon every tenter .
12 She should have avoided the Glass House , but she went there at every opportunity , and stood beside the streaming panes with her eyes closed , willing herself to capture something .
13 There are movements afoot at every hour of every day , there are men and women risking their lives .
14 Professional advice was important to the MPs fighting the Representation of the People Bill and National Union committees began to meet again at every level to discuss the Bill 's consequences for the party .
15 It is vital that all members of staff , again at every level , are aware of the company 's progress and the company 's policies towards new development and regulations within the industry .
16 Ards kept going forward at every opportunity and Fry kicked further two penalties in a storming finish but failed to get the deciding winning score .
17 Yes Celtic certainly look like they 're back from the brink coming forward at every opportunity and it paid off with John , he ball , Steven could n't clear and Brian well and Celtic in control Aberdeen nil Celtic one .
18 As his hands moved slowly from her ankles along the planes of her calves to the rounded contours of her thighs Paige 's heart beat faster at every inch he revealed .
19 The stateless image automatically provided Zuwaya or Magharba with a group they had to oppose — — not exactly at all costs , but certainly at every opportunity .
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