Example sentences of "[adv] do [adv] get " in BNC.

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1 Apparently , not everyone agreed , or perhaps did not get what they considered to be their fair share , for eventually the Backless baron was transported to Australia , no doubt to become another ‘ Wild Colonial Boy ’ .
2 I personally do n't get any joy from seeing people reproduce their records exactly on stage ; I want to see something which is special for the night . ’
3 Yeah , she does the wages six months in advance so if Nicky obviously do n't get paid any overtime at all does she ?
4 The branch-adorned Morrissey sings has maudlin way through the personal lament of the week — a soaring ballad that deserves lots of attention so do n't get caught in the bushfire , backlashers . ’
5 There has been a possibility of my doing the Soldier 's Tale here in December , but it is still very much en l'air , as we balletists would put it — so do n't get excited yet . ’
6 A happy mood is upon you , so do n't get your tonsils in a twist .
7 Obviously this is n't always the case with ex-offenders — even those who are like this tend to get branded by society , and so do n't get given a chance to start anew .
8 That 's because you , you want to , everyone does , you want to think in terms of conductances , so it 's hard to get over this problem , so do n't get over it .
9 well , we have now , so do n't get the idea
10 Because most kids nowadays are brought up with constant noise of traffic and so covering ears does n't mean anything does it ? because they 're gon na get the information and absorb much more information none of it , none of any use but so do n't get much information from .
11 Right so do n't get enough .
12 This is your father speaking now so do n't get cross .
13 If we do n't get , if we do n't , literally do n't get the bodies on the street we do n't get we 're not gon na , win we 're gon na lose .
14 Sorry to anyone who 'd been hoping for a match report from Newcastle , but I went home to Wakefield the morning after the game and so did n't get a chance to post one .
15 This gets distorted , though ; for instance , living on chocolate makes me happy , but so does not getting spots or flab .
16 She obviously does n't get a lot to eat .
17 The success of British exporters , which apparently does not get one word of congratulation or praise from the Labour party , gives the lie to what the hon. Gentleman has just said .
18 Determination alone does not get you through life , and these were becoming hard times for me .
19 For instance , there have been occasions when I have tried to run bad ball and you just do not get away with that against good opposition .
20 ‘ There are some marvellous directors and performers but they just do n't get a chance to show what they can do .
21 Some folk just do n't get a choice .
22 It would be an excellent idea to provide your Porcupine Puffer with a separate tank , but do n't introduce another into the same tank because they just do n't get on and one of them would almost certainly die .
23 If you 're too cool you just do n't get anything done , basically .
24 The desperate situation of the woman in fear of the loan man 's visits ( Appendix II , section 5 ) is an example : already summoned to court , and breaking open the meters to pay him , she said ‘ You just do n't get out of the human jungle once you sink into that depth of debt ’ .
25 Sometimes you just do n't get the luck you need . ’
26 You just do n't get the same sort of thrill from watching blackbirds .
27 You just do n't get time to think .
28 I just do n't get on with them .
29 And er you just do n't get bad people wandering round the flats .
30 There you go , just do n't get them mixed up , aye .
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