Example sentences of "[adv] not [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A real rate of interest , which would be calculated as an annual rate per cent , takes into account the following facts : — the period of the loan may not be for a full year : interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed ( eg not including any deposit paid ) ; — if regular repayments are being made , the full amount of the loan is not outstanding over the full year .
2 He could n't rise into that great openness which was only inches above his head where the wind blew free … and especially not with that vow he had made holding him back .
3 Worst of all , seamen rapidly came to the conclusion that the service and suffering to which the union had committed them in the name of Britain and the Empire did not extend to the shipowners , and especially not to those who were fortunate enough to escape requisitioning of their vessels by the government .
4 But he found himself unable to say it , especially not to this so very obvious gentlewoman .
5 Humans ca n't catch it and pass it on , especially not through solid glass.in But he refused to give ground on this issue .
6 Flaubert did n't believe in progress : especially not in moral progress , which is all that matters .
7 Looking back on it I could not figure out what went wrong as I had done exactly as instructed but nobody had ever really said much about fallen trees or currents and especially not in such a small part of the river .
8 The official story had always been that Greg was simply a close family friend , but a child could have seen through the pretence and she had not been a child for a very long time , perhaps not since that long-ago night when she was four years old and had stood , unseen , outside a bedroom door …
9 On the face of it , perhaps not at all .
10 Perhaps : or perhaps not at all .
11 I would not have learnt of this paper so quickly ( and perhaps not at all ) had I not had access to the Internet .
12 It is an utter delight all the way , especially for travellers on foot with time to linger , but perhaps not for nervous motorists .
13 If he 'd been in deep water he would n't have been damaged so much and neither would he have surfaced yet , perhaps not for several more days .
14 Campbell concluded that we may not see the effect of economic recovery for at least a year — perhaps not until 1993 .
15 I agree with that in particular cases , but perhaps not in all cases .
16 ’ And she meant to use it to the full , though perhaps not in this wasteful way .
17 Their minds were obviously not on meteorological work , and as the squadron gradually decreased in numbers with each little batch that left for home , farewell parties were a regular occurrence in the office and I began to think that perhaps Binbrook was not such a bad place after all .
18 This was obviously not at all what he had expected .
19 Our new clippers came with fine blades , and though the handbook said these would be suitable for most horses , Skipper was obviously not in that category .
20 It might be objected that even though some criminal laws are in the interests of the dominant class and that others which are obviously not in these interests are ineffectively enforced , thus making them dead-letter laws , it still remains true that laws proscribing those types of victimizing behaviours of which we are all too aware and which set the nerve-ends of neo-classical/conservative criminologists , such as Wilson ( 1975 ) and Morgan ( 1978 ) tingling with fear and loathing , are in all our interests .
21 In this way Paley excused the violence of Nature and linked the species together not in some abstract formal pattern but in terms of how they interacted in the food chain .
22 contract was between broker and company and company alone not with individual directors .
23 The decided cases are few and mostly not of recent date .
24 For now , such notions of bigness play well in political circles but thankfully not in all banking ones .
25 A person buys a new washing machine , and is unfortunate enough to discover that ( a ) the cabinet is badly scratched , and thus not of merchantable quality ; ( b ) the machine ripped up the first batch of clothes and half-flooded the kitchen ( ie it was not fit for the purpose ) ; and ( c ) the model delivered by the suppliers was not the model agreed upon in the shop ( ie the goods were not as described by the retailer ) .
26 Pop culture thus works through an amalgam of attitude , inspiration , intuition and detail ( for nobody is as obsessive as the true pop fan , whose obsession is rarely given the respect it deserves ) ; crucially , it works best not in public , where the terms of discourse are set by the dominant culture , but in private space .
27 but erm then became , we got round to the erm question of getting the children into similar schools to the ones that they 'd been in and erm I came into this , in fact I came into all sorts of things erm well by accident then I suppose anyway not for any other reason but erm Mr erm who was the Secretary for Education , he had a Personal Assistant a chap named erm erm he was a very likeable chap erm and er a rather ec bit of an eccentric really because erm he 'd been erm , he 'd trained as a doctor and erm he 'd left the course before completing it .
28 But it 's just not like that .
29 It 's just not like that in Australia . ’
30 It was quite obvious that The Smiths , despite the continued artistic success , were just not in any position to think , or indeed to act , big on an international scale .
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