Example sentences of "[adv] have [to-vb] into " in BNC.

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1 When the chip is incorporated into a smart card and inserted into a mock up cash machine , the user only has to speak into a microphone to be recognized and given the cash .
2 ‘ Beautiful , desirable … the kind of woman who only has to walk into a room in order to arouse the predator inside every man there . ’
3 I literally had to plunge into the abyss and find out what I could about what they were doing to me , or what they wanted me to do .
4 YOU only had to walk into the members ' lobby of the Commons yesterday to know what you 'd suspected for days .
5 Oh , sometimes it was irritating , even downright infuriating to look round and see him just a couple of paces away , but she only had to look into those dark eyes to feel that treacherous quiver of desire deep in the pit of her stomach .
6 You only have to walk into any art gallery these days to see that the real action is in the shop .
7 Corporate strategy in manufacturing thus has to take into account the fact that organizations that are able rapidly to adapt to change have a competitive advantage in the face of changing technology and volatile product markets .
8 And if I can not rid myself of it I will just have to go into the service and begin to root out the cause .
9 Back at her place she offered him a large whisky and then said that she just had to slip into the bedroom to see to a few things .
10 Phew , just had to burst into somebody else 's class and get my er thing back .
11 Are you really so hungry that you just have to nip into that fastfood burger joint ?
12 You must always remember that it 's been a fairly small percentage of the frail elderly people who 've actually ever had to go into homes .
13 In short , a European parliament still had to come into existence .
14 After all , it could give you invaluable peace of mind , if you ever have to go into hospital .
15 Chairman Sir John Hall , however , has stressed that the struggling Second Division club still have to put into operation the so-called rescue package designed to soak up debts of around £5m .
16 Chairman Sir John Hall , however , has stressed that the struggling Second Division club still have to put into operation the so-called rescue package designed to soak up debts of around £5m .
17 A national policy on cooking energy also has to take into account the increasing interaction between the energy needs of the urban and rural areas .
18 Now the holder of speculative balances not only has to consider the yield on close substitutes such as bonds , but he also has to take into account any prospective capital gains or losses which may accrue when buying the bond .
19 ‘ If Steve does n't come back for a few days I 'll probably have to go into Palma and see the airlines and the tourist board myself . ’
20 So , a feature analyser would also have to take into account the overall shape of the letters so it 's becoming a bit more complicated already in terms of the model that would have to account for it .
21 I still found the argument extraordinary , but I also had to take into account the fact that if Nigel retained this stance then the committee meeting would have to be postponed and the whole exercise would get off to a terrible start .
22 We also have to take into account the passage of light rays through the highly curved space-time near the expanding object .
23 But you also have to take into consideration , the feelings of victims , I mean , it it would have to be , erm ,
24 The handicapped child , who would eventually have to move into society , would be ill-equipped to face that society 's tensions and realities whilst the ‘ normal ’ child would have had no experience , during the impressionable and formative years , of relating to the disabled .
25 Laird 's now has to go into battle without any chance of getting either naval orders or intervention funds .
26 Neil Murray has often had to come into bands and reproduce another player 's bass part , or even their bass sound …
27 At the sub-atomic level however physics does now have to take into account the effects of the observer on the particles he observes .
28 Much of the game was taken up with mauls which an alert French referee often had to turn into scrums .
29 My plan was to take a Bachelor of Music degree — for which , at that time one did not even have to go into residence .
30 Pop would go out in the morning scouring the countryside for meat and vegetables , and sometimes having to dive into a culvert if there was a raid ; meanwhile the officers would shepherd us into trenches and play games until the raid was over .
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