Example sentences of "[adv] have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 It is such a cohesive , well-oiled unit that the band rarely has to call for outside assistance .
2 Enough has survived for us to be able to trace the developing skills and aspirations of some groups of craft workers , but we can be sure that there were many crafts and other activities in the city of Knossos which have left no archaeological trace .
3 When compulsory environmental impact statements are produced for Parliament for a private or hybrid Bill , the promoter obviously has to pay for the environmental impact assessment .
4 Had she not met Flynn , she would merely have asked for the farms to be restored to Maran Hill ; but the news from London made her too bold .
5 ‘ And yet to have been there and heard none of the holy words which we should naturally have listened for from those lips at such a time — how distressing ! ’
6 Thus , the pre-industrial family in Britain will not only have cared for its members but will also have educated them and been the focus of their work activities .
7 During the period the hired car will be insured under this policy in exactly the same way as your own car is insured and you will only have to pay for the petrol used .
8 What was needed however was a concrete demonstration of support by the British government , and this was most unlikely to be forthcoming , no matter how much the Queen might personally have hoped for it .
9 The large extended family household in any case seems only to have existed for a small minority , if at all .
10 er yes I was saying erm they only had the midwives in them days did n't they , to come for the birth and that and anyway my mother was was ill enough to have to send for a doctor .
11 But we then took a view about , about future years because in a sense we 've always been , obviously had to provide for the er , year impression .
12 However , due to insufficient financing , we not only had to ask for benefits , but also can not take on ourselves new obligations , as was done by the rest of the participants in the protocol . "
13 We only had to wait for five minutes for the first boooooom … and a second … and a third .
14 When I complained , the company said there was a clause on the processing envelope that said if anything went wrong , it only had to pay for the film .
15 She could n't find one , so had to settle for an orange juice .
16 The theme that the right alone had espoused for years — German unification — had overnight become official state policy , leaving the extreme right temporarily disarmed .
17 Consider , then , what geography and generation together have done for Darwin 's understanding of the problems of organic diversity and the origin of species .
18 As one of the United Kingdom 's leading industries , employing considerable numbers of engineers and scientists , we naturally have to plan for our future , which includes making sure that there will be adequate supplies of technical and scientific employees in the years to come .
19 As one of the United Kingdom 's leading institutions of Higher Education employing and educating considerable numbers of technicians , engineers and scientists , we naturally have to plan for our future , which includes ensuring that there will be adequate supplies of well educated technical and scientific employees in the years to come .
20 But when we come to the interpersonal function , we not only have to account for the literary work itself as a discourse between author and reader , but we have to reckon with the phenomenon of " embedded discourse " : the occurrence of discourse within discourse , as when the author reports dialogue between fictional characters .
22 ( It is presumed that either Galt or Gilkison named the River Irvine ) William had a mill and a general store built , sold off plots of land to settlers , and established a community which he named Elora after a sailing ship which his youngest brother , Captain John Gilkison of Irvine , had just had built for the trade with India .
23 ‘ I 've just had to walk for miles , ’ she said , flopping down into an armchair .
24 In the case of franchises and licences the business is not transferred by the vendor and the vendor will normally have to arrange for a new licence or franchise to be granted to the purchaser by the licensor or franchisor on the surrender of the vendor 's licence or franchise .
25 Okay now at this stage you do n't normally have to ask for volunteers for the first group because it usually sort of role then off they go .
26 The intention had been to give the premiere of Sea Change at Sadler 's Wells to open the Theatre Ballet 's new season there , but it was thought that by then John would already have left for New York to take part in the Sadler 's Wells Ballet 's first American tour , so the decision was made to present the ballet first on 18 July 1949 at the Gaiety Theatre , Dublin , where the company concluded its summer tour .
27 But until manufacturers and club professionals come to realise that a significant number play the game left-handed , the world of golf will just have to wait for its Gower , Seles , McEnroe and White .
28 I shall just have to wait for the next Guinness Book of Records for the answer .
29 ‘ I 'll just have to wait for Dad then , wo n't I ? ’
30 Meanwhile , Pogo would just have to wait for an answer .
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