Example sentences of "[adv] in [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 She must have changed greatly in this time , although Gatsby still has a fixed , perfect image of her , seeing her more as goddess , than an ordinary human being , with bad as well as good points .
2 If you do n't recover sufficiently in this time , just slow down your repeats .
3 And I will endeavour to do so in good time for the Swiss conference . ’
4 It is only in the last thirty-five years that animals had been allowed to have ‘ mental ’ processes other than learning and so it is only in that time that psychologists have developed the behavioural tests to investigate them .
5 That was all of the glass that was worn away in that time .
6 You 're away in half time .
7 Francis apologised to Jane : ‘ French is faster , you can say more in less time .
8 Assuming it exists and results from the current stress field , it may have persisted since the present northward drift of the African plate began , early in Tertiary time .
9 You said children would receive it if they were still in full time education , higher education
10 Now I 'd also in this time rung up the er forwarding address in Manchester , rung up the telephone number I 'd been given of the forwarding address .
11 The home side made a rather disappointing 223 their skipper , the Hon F.S. Gough-Calthorpe ( shades of Blandings Castle ) contributing 70 , and the amateur , F.R. Santall , 84 , both in quick time .
12 For example , a computer system can check stock levels and produce a supplier 's order request automatically in good time , and this will ensure that there are always supplies of products in stock .
13 At a time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely in that time with such grace and preconception-shattering nerve .
14 The Chancellor of the Exchequer was given a two-minute standing ovation after he delivered an uncompromising defence of his policies and declared : ‘ It is clear that the economy is already responding to the measures we have taken , and I have no doubt whatever that it will come right in good time .
15 Indians wrote no historical books with numerical dates and regarded personal life as one of a succession of lives of the same individual repeated infinitely often in endless time .
16 If a record that is updated or accessed frequently in one time period is likely not to be referenced at all in the next , any analysis breaks down and the equal access assumption is the best guide for design decisions .
17 He informed us in a haughty spirit that he would give my people thirty days to go back home , collect all their stock , and move to the reservation , saying , ‘ If you are not here in that time , I shall consider that you want to fight , and will send my soldiers to drive you on ’ .
18 It was still early morning and , having been unable to confirm my flight by phone ( surprise , surprise ) , I was relieved to be here in good time .
19 Well in full time education yes .
20 Then in extra time , Ian Ferguson rifled home his fourth goal of the season from 20 yards to bring Rangers within two games of retaining the cup which set them on their way to the treble last year .
21 Well that 's exactly what I mean , a very good illustration of somebody who makes himself more important by coming in fifteen and a half seconds late , which is not so late for a corporate session , but is late enough to , to make everyone worry and so on in that time .
22 A visit before the interview can also act as a dummy run to help you get there in good time on the day itself .
23 She 'd be there in good time herself , given half a chance , to eat their game pies and their plum cakes and drink their wine , to stand by their log fires to warm herself .
24 I may not move as fast as you , but we 'll be there in good time .
25 Olympia has yielded magnificent bronzework from right through the archaic period , but stone sculpture there in this time is sparse and generally poor .
26 Mr Souness , who arrived at a Manchester hospital offering the comment : ‘ I ca n't say I 'm looking forward to it but it is essential so it has to be done , ’ broke the news to his players on the way back from Sunday 's semi-final which Liverpool rescued late in extra time through Ronnie Whelan .
27 The whole sequence of events lasted only eight seconds , and yet in that time the cuckoo had also managed to lay its own egg .
28 If one can go north , one can turn around and head south ; equally , if one can go forward in imaginary time , one ought to be able to turn round and go backward .
29 They survived anxious moments near the end of 90 minutes when Dave Connell and David Jeffrey went close for Ards but rallied again in extra time .
30 We find ourselves once again in another time and country .
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