Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such compromise would , he suggested , lead inexorably to censorship to ‘ protect Muslim sensibilities against gratuitous provocation ’ .
2 After a few hours in this the home of Johannes Gutenberg ( he invented the printing press ) , the cruise heads upstream to Speyer for 8.00pm arrival .
3 Substantial memory melted suddenly to consciousness of present loss .
4 It was a beginning , but 1815 was reached with not much to acclaim in day-school provision for working-class children and with no national policy as yet in prospect .
5 They are not much to look at but they may contain oil , which is why the Philippines keeps a garrison there .
6 He has contributed much to music in the Farnham area during the last 20 years and the many supporters of the Tilford Bach Festival will no doubt want to hear what will be only the second performance of his work .
7 ‘ Sure my music is techno-based , ’ says the breathy jazz-house diva from Glasgow , ‘ but the house and rave scenes owed much to jazz in the first place . ’
8 ‘ There ca n't be much to farm around Caldbeck , can there ?
9 This situation was in blatant breach of Article 13 of the European Convention , which requires that anyone whose rights ( eg to freedom of expression ) are violated should have an " effective remedy " .
10 The corporate approach demands , as Bains outlined , a central focus in both departmental and committee structures , and John Stewart has argued that this does not lead necessarily to domination by officers or to policies favourable to any particular groups in society .
11 But recent reality had also taken its toll : his father 's lamented death , his guitar teacher 's suicide , and that of a cousin ; the presence of his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein , now reduced unhappily to senility in his mother 's house ( at which he would surprise Leonard by encountering him suddenly , in odd moments of clarity , saying , ‘ Oh , yes , you 're the writer , are n't you ? ’ ) created other pressures .
12 • Media work has a particular significance , leading naturally to discussion of how spoken language and visual accompaniment are interpreted ; this leads to an understanding of the processes of selection , omission and editing which take place when any programme is prepared .
13 Teaching by subject led naturally to organization by subjects , and to the almost baronial power of heads of department within the system .
14 If , by agreement with the continuing partners , the personal representatives , themselves duly authorised by provisions in the will or otherwise , are content to leave the deceased 's share in the continuing firm by way of loan , for example to help the firm over some temporary financial difficulty , they do not on that account become entitled to any account of the profits of the firm , merely to payment of interest at the agreed rate .
15 For the latter lot , only ‘ The Hair Pillow ’ , illuminated by singer Craig Wedren 's glorious , bizarre falsetto , sticks close enough to convention to be more a pleasure than an endurance test .
16 The neck pickup was warm and fat , the middle slightly brighter but still with lots of depth ( ideal for clean rhythm playing ) , while the bridge unit was sharp enough to create a nice shimmer through an outboard chorus , but warm enough to solo with the amp overdriving slightly .
17 As darkness begins to fall , the adventurers are ‘ lucky ’ enough to chance upon a path that leads upwards towards a rock-strewn side-valley .
18 Older surveys such as those by Mauriel and Anthony ( 1966 ) , Tomkins ( 1973 ) , and Reece and Cool ( 1978 ) , and more recent studies such as those of Pike ( 1983 ) , Scapens and Sale ( 1985 ) and Cornwell ( 1987 ) , do not get close enough to behaviour in specific contexts to reveal whether companies are suffering from a misuse of ROI .
19 Garlic cloves are cooked in their skins so they become soft enough to purée into a delicious sauce
20 At the end of April , however , it was near enough to completion for Nietzsche , at last , to send the first part of the manuscript to a publisher , Engelmann , in Leipzig .
21 Thus planning permission had been granted ( on 22 December 1975 , close enough to Christmas for no-one to have been paying much attention ) and the period for appealing the planning permission was past before local residents discovered that Raybestos Manhattan would be processing and emitting asbestos , a highly toxic pollutant and confirmed mass killer .
22 They , they gave you enough to sort of live on .
23 There was no sign of either Ferdinando or Annunciata in the kitchen so she was bold enough to tip-toe towards the drawing room where she hesitated again and peered round the door .
24 In terms of social importance , festivals contribute greatly to cohesion within the community and provide welcome sources of entertainment .
25 Microsoft wants Sun to pay a licence for WABI , specifically $50 a copy , and has been saying so to Sun since at least December .
26 Microsoft wants Sun to pay a licence for WABI , specifically $50 a copy , and has been saying so to Sun since at least December .
27 I think that 's all I need say by this time the next our next speaker is usually arriving so to sort of develop and not that there 's a real need for it nor am I capable of doing so .
28 So to stay in the frame is Virgin going to have to get in there and
29 It 's easy to sway the emotions by showing monkeys with their brains cut open , genetically stunted pigs or smoking beagles , less so to drag on someone suffering from a vile disease and say ‘ this person will die unless we keep on chopping up small furry creatures . ’
30 So to start with what we 're doing is just having a little assessment , seeing what sort of driving erm techniques that you have .
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