Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] through " in BNC.

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1 Rescuers , working in stifling temperatures in a space no bigger than three feet wide and two feet high , reached through a small hole they had dug to the men at 9.30pm and passed through drinks and sandwiches .
2 A copy of Return Safe from the Wilderness lay on a workbench , and I picked it up idly and looked through it .
3 The two catheters were taped together and passed through the nose into the stomach .
4 Nodding obediently — slightly idiotically — she thought , Meredith went back indoors and watched through the window as he drove away .
5 Kandinskaya raised her eyebrows a little and scrolled through the data cube on her desk-tank .
6 She drew in deeply and exhaled through her nose , then snapped the cigarette briskly from her mouth and pointed it at him with a flourish .
7 He put it aside and looked through the others .
8 Rain walked past them all , turned left and went through open glass doors to a terrace .
9 A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course ; at another place it could not pass through the pins , and the hinder part became bowed ; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happen to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd ’ ( Darwin , 1880 ) .
10 Checking everything was in order , lamps were placed on their correct brackets , the handbreak was unwound , and 4913 ‘ Baglan hall ’ of 84B shed clocked off shed at 12.20 pm and passed through the centre road to the far end of Chester .
11 By the time I 've got up there and slithered through the cut-through , Casey has found himself in a fight .
12 Creed leaned forwards and pointed through the windshield .
13 Frank leaned forward and whispered through his translator .
14 ‘ Best hang tight to my arm , boy , ’ he yelled and together they leaned forward and tramped through the long wet grass to wrestle with the Littles ' gate .
15 As the taxi swept along the Kensington street , its headlights tunnelling into the murky darkness , Harriet leaned forward and spoke through the half-open glass partition .
16 They told the women to go into a back room but they ran upstairs and shouted through a window for people in the street to call the police .
17 On legs that moved numbly and automatically , she climbed the back stairs again and went through the kitchen back to the party .
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