Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It 's big enough and besides yer 'll be near the closets when yer need 'em . ’
2 He still has sufficient force , passion and reputation to get his way if he puts his case forcefully enough and yesterday he spent some time in conclave with Carrick , Neil Hartley and coach Doug Padgett .
3 ‘ We have eaten enough and now we wish to retire . ’
4 There was a brief stunned silence , and then the entire family went into fits of laughter ; after which my husband remarked that the wine was n't cold enough and maybe we should get a new fridge .
5 And this might have got them far enough and therefore they so the movement is , is not gon na go on from there , it 's stopped because the peasants have achieved everything they wanted to achieve .
6 The children found the hut door opened easily enough and cautiously they ventured in , the place smelt musty and stale but it fascinated them .
7 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
8 ‘ Well , Croydon and Cooper , you shall see me face to face soon enough and then you will know that Emily Grenfell is not a woman to be trifled with , ’ she said grimly .
9 Thus , a glacial terrace profile may be above the interglacial or Post-glacial profile upstream and below it downstream : the terrace profiles , in fact , cross ( Fig. 9.9 ) .
10 And er I started to feel a bit better and suddenly I felt ill again .
11 The decade had started disastrously and yet it was out of this very disaster that Hollywood 's greatest era was to evolve .
12 It is also why so many return , in all sports , for suddenly and traumatically they feel naked , unimportant .
13 Eva could n't help herself crying out at him , and he could n't see how suddenly and cruelly he 'd wounded her .
14 No I did n't cos I was on , I used to be on a oil card delivering paraffin oil round the countryside and then cos I used to stink apparently and then I got this job at er on a pushbike
15 But if you look down here , if somebody wanted to buy the the flap inside and out they would pay twelve hundred pound .
16 When they were inside and once he had cleaned up the cut , he said , ‘ I 'm getting a doctor . ’
17 Yes , well up here in Scotland er where I live erm the maincrop variety Golden Wonder tends to certainly need a par boiling and a par boiling only er when cooking so it needs about what five to six minutes or something like that but erm any more and the tatties go to mash and er that 's why I think a lot of the Golden Wonders er in Scotland are cooked in their skins but erm if I was to go for a variety that er I enjoy would be one called Pentland Ivory , it 's a , a nice flowery spud er and you get quite a plentiful supply of them too so it 's quite a good variety but you know the old Kerr 's Pink used to be called I think Henry 's Seedling , I remember rightly and then it changed its name to Kerr 's Pink because Kerr was a seedsman up in who really introduced it and er that was just after the first world war and that 's a good one , that 's a very good one and it 's got that waxy skin as well you see so it might be quite useful .
18 Gently and skilfully he must be challenged to think back and think deeply .
19 Ever since we met , my dear , so gently and subtly you 've been teaching me , you and Miguelito , and instead of thanking you I had this attack of childish pique and blamed you for hurting my feelings !
20 This time the critical pulsatance separating the pass and attenuation bands is In terms of the critical pulsatance , at frequencies below and above it respectively , the attenuation constant and phase shift per section are given by
21 He was noticing everything , the way the light played on a broken brick in the wall opposite and sometimes it looked hollow and sometimes it looked a bulge , which proved that you could n't say that what you saw , however carefully , scientifically , you analysed it , was a scientific fact .
22 perhaps and how you might overcome them .
23 Ooh well they used to well they did n't used to sing a lot of songs but er they used to do a lot of you know playing about and perhaps and then they 'd perhaps have a ball .
24 Because you 'd only get half a pound perhaps and perhaps you 'd only get perhaps , this unit 'd only get two , According to what came into the country , or what was on the market .
25 O K. What I propose to do is I 'm going to read this poem aloud and then we discuss it as a group
26 An interlinked ethnic tribe , they founded settlements that stretched from the Isles of Arran to Asia Minor ; and between 600BC and 600AD they virtually ran the show on the continent of Europe .
27 The answer seems to lie in facing up to the fact that one particular cycle or era has finally come to a close and therefore both personally and professionally it would be wiser to channel your energies into something new .
28 Edward knew he was being pampered and , in his letters to Helen about his friendship with Gwili 's sister , he confessed that ‘ in fact it was partly you that I saw when I held her : I hope I shall never forget her ; then I shall feel that it is possible to love another even though I am all and ever yours , little one .
29 Then his thumb moved to her lips and scored them brutally and then he jerked her away from him .
30 Deeper and deeper they went into the dark hole .
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