Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] all " in BNC.

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1 This is the raison d'être of the Communities ' official publication Directory of Community Legislation in Force , which is re-edited annually and lists all Community legislation in force at the date of publication along with indications of all amendments to it .
2 And then he pulled her in close again and ravaged her neck so that Robyn shrieked aloud and knew all the while that she was falling deeper and deeper …
3 So and smashed all the windows and everything in it erm so what 's that and as I say it was only a scrap van er and now he 'd bought the little chapel on the corner .
4 Why not sell all the unit-linked business for £500,000 or so and plough all of that into the with -profits policyholders ? ’
5 And also for the enjoyment and personally , the the satisfaction you get , rather than going home at five o'clock and forgetting all about .
6 Round Table Day is made for Table and Table only and has all the best features which are inherent in this movement .
7 In Acts we have two vivid descriptions of what has come to be called the communism of the early Church : ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common ; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all , as any had need ’ ( Acts 2:44–5 ) ; and ‘ No one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own , but they had everything in common …
8 Here and there a fight broke out , girls screeched as someone goosed them , lovers clung together and ignored all that went on around them , pickpockets worked their art furiously and everyone set out to enjoy themselves .
9 We 'll both see your Mum and Dad together and make all the arrangements . ’
10 ‘ You know what , ’ Ari said , wiping her face , ‘ I wish I could just run away and forget all this .
11 We 've gone six games unbeaten , though , and we 're going to have to keep plugging away and win all of our last five matches . ’
12 Clear away and burn all trimmings , and keep tools sharp and free from sap .
13 The coastal resort of Morecambe is twenty minutes away and has all the amenities of a seaside resort including an open-air leisure park and Oceanarium .
14 I mean he 's alright but he 's rude to the little ones and after you have to take the plates away and scrape all the food off in the bins .
15 Paula and Louise had been nominated to sell the raffle tickets and did a round of the hall , flirting outrageously and telling all the boys the tickets were ‘ sixpence each or two shillings a strip ’ .
16 Thousands of residents were ordered to stay indoors and close all windows before the alert was finally called off .
17 Negotiations with Eurotunnel continue intermittently , but hopefully agreement will be reached shortly and allow all energies to be concentrated on completing this challenging project .
18 Of course , he had known they would use the Microwave Gun on him ; they always did when he was up in front of somebody , whenever he was at a disadvantage anyway and needed all the help he could get , whenever he was going for an interview for a job , or being asked things by the Social security people or even clerks in the Post Office .
19 kick up a row , I said you want to look at the dogs , just go outside and see all the old rubbish that get 's chucked out there
20 Now i , say it 's all this backwards and forwardsing all the time were n't there ?
21 The simplest solution might appear to be to ban battery cages altogether and keep all hens free range or in percheries : but this presupposes that these alternatives really are better for the birds .
22 KPMG on behalf of itself and all other member firms of KPMG does not accept responsibility for any information contained herein and disclaims all liability to any person or entity arising out of or in connection with such information .
23 KPMG on behalf of itself and all other members of KPMG does not accept responsibility for any information contained herein and disclaims all liability to any person or entity arising out of or in connection with such information .
24 ( He starts speaking very quickly and running all his words together . )
25 I possess a letter from one of his crew who was the last to leave the stricken Halifax whilst his Commanding Officer struggled to keep the aircraft " airborne , losing height rapidly and beseeching all the crew to get out before it struck the ground .
26 This was voiced by Itabira Surui , an Indian leader from Rondonia , who said : " Once we 've got our land properly demarcated we can go home and forget all this talk about peoples of the forest " .
27 When he came home on leave in April 1930 , they both returned to their childhood home and made all the necessary arrangements for its sale .
28 At last we had reached a road that led to a place called Ritjemjokk where we telephoned home and did all the civilized things in life ; like sitting on a loo seat , for a long time .
29 And thieves broke into their Cumberland Street home and stole all their wedding presents .
30 Under that Rule , the party confirming that the resources are available will not be expected to produce the cash itself provided , in giving the confirmation , it acted responsibly and took all reasonable steps to assure itself that the cash was available .
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