Example sentences of "[adv] be n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And you 'll say well there must be a catch in it somewhere they obviously are n't doing it for free .
2 And they reckon what , what it , that 's all it 's going to be a three hour test I do n't agree with putting a child of that age through a test I mean there 's none of this nursery pick out who is slow on what , where , why and when , who 's good at something who 's , who 's not so good at it , erm apparently and er , put a seven year old through this exam , find out what they 're good at and what they 're not , well the teachers obviously are n't doing their jobs very well .
3 ‘ You obviously were n't thinking straight , ’ she said a little scornfully .
4 I remember one day we were at the studio doing The Long Duel and we obviously were n't going to work .
5 was but , what you expecting that , obviously is n't called for a lot of night life , otherwise it would be there , there 's been discotheque , they 've been all sorts of things , but they 've closed down because they have n't made enough money
6 I warmed to it first of all because , like the Eggle New York elsewhere in this issue , it obviously is n't trying to be anything else ; it can stand on its own merits without any need for the usual identikit comparisons .
7 This obviously is n't to say that the same response would not have been achieved with a centesimal potency , it merely demonstrates the applicability of LM 's in an acute and the simplicity of repetition .
8 But to be made to feel as if one 's made of wood by a man who obviously is n't made of wood is too much for any girl 's stomach .
9 I would try and get people to work as a team together and then when it obviously is n't going to work properly , only then would I make the decision .
10 Black obviously is n't going to rival Bill Bragg for 'eart-warming ’ , 'ave-a-go cheery yarn-spinning ’ .
11 ‘ The point is , ’ he continued firmly , ‘ if Kemp is locked up he obviously is n't going to be available to do the job he was hired for .
12 Black obviously is n't going to rival Bill Bragg for 'eart-warming ’ , 'ave-a-go cheery yarn-spinning ’ .
13 This obviously is n't going to come up as an issue for quite a long time , since transcribing this 'll be a long time .
14 She quite obviously was n't listening to a word of it .
15 It obviously was n't succeeding too well .
16 on on erm one side of A four and it was obviously was n't written by a young man
17 It was the first time she 'd seen him smile and , though it obviously was n't intended to charm , it took her breath away and made her pulses quicken .
18 Tony Greig obviously was n't seeing the situation as I was and bowled him a bouncer first ball , which struck him on the point of the elbow .
19 Before I just put the pot it was in , sat it in , inside it , and it was , obviously was n't getting enough water that way .
20 ‘ He obviously was n't going to carry on with the Seven ; he 'd had his fun with it . ’
21 Julius obviously was n't going anywhere , though , at least not yet .
22 What we had together was n't faked .
23 ‘ A lot of the lads are lacking confidence and that means we just are n't trying things which a few weeks ago we were doing .
24 They 're asking too much of one another and just are n't managing to meet in the middle .
25 Heather Goodchild , entertainment analyst at credit ratings agency Standard & Poor 's , said yesterday : ‘ MGM 's films just are n't working , their debts are running away and they have major problems in their corporate structure . ’
26 No matter how talented you are , at your age employers just are n't going to want to know . ’
27 Mind you , we 'll still make sets with the old gauge low Bs in them , because some players do n't want to make the shift and some basses just are n't set up for strings that big . ’
28 I played football after school but was never encouraged to play it erm , within the school programme , within P E or anything , it was hockey or netball and women just are n't encouraged at all to play football !
29 Probably because most of us were n't really , well , quite a few of us anyway were n't thinking about sex at that time , so I suppose it was kind of you know , you just started
30 My ex-husband and I just were n't meshing .
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