Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 True , even with those drawbacks , NATO functions well , but it has had the advantage of 350,000 American service men and ourselves , all of whom speak a common language .
2 The changes proposed by your correspondent , as well as by Polly Toynbee in her book Lost Children , could well add to the increasing number of children in our society who lack a strong family background provided by two married parents .
3 Questions are asked by people who lack a particular piece of knowledge , and questions are addressed to people who are assumed to be more knowledgeable about that topic .
4 Someone must be doing their housekeeping rather better at those hospitals , especially when one thinks of the help the Memorial Hospital gets from the WRVS and the Friends of the Hospital who raise a good deal of money and have done so for many years .
5 The centrist sector , who favour a middle way , is opposed to repression and violence whether it is from right or left .
6 Prominent at the moment are the groups Avia , who use Sov-art from 20s and 30s , Pop Mechanics of S. Kurjehin who favour a multi- media show which employs symphonic , rock choiral , folk and live animals , and finally Auction who have a surrealistic cabaret style .
7 As to the rest of the disc , it 's perhaps fair to state that Klemperer 's Johann Strauss will not please those who favour a relaxed ‘ Wienerisch ’ approach to such music , but there can surely be few complaints about the Mendelssohn .
8 They come together much less frequently , from distinct and different settings , and they know much less about each other than do the members of a hospital team , who gain a natural and unforced understanding of each other 's roles and characteristics , and adapt accordingly .
9 Patients who suffer a myocardial infarction may not have widely distributed coronary disease .
10 In my experience most people who suffer a myocardial infarct have been under pressure with associated exhaustion and fatigue for a prolonged period .
11 While the familial basis of women 's oppression remains for all classes , upper class women have more chance for freedom than their working-class sisters who suffer a double oppression .
12 She asks how it can be made easier for abusers , who suffer a compulsive behavioural disorder , to say ‘ doctor I 've got this problem and I need help ? ’ .
13 Patients who suffer a cardiac arrest are treated by skilled practitioners .
14 PREGNANT women who eat a light snack shortly before giving birth can shorten labour and produce a stronger heartbeat in their baby , a study carried out in Belfast shows .
15 Those who postulate a non-sexual mode of transmission refer to documented infection in pre-pubertal virgins , the low rate of isolation in males , the occasional finding of the organism in swimming pools and spa waters , and the fact that infection could be acquired from lavatories .
16 Yet in most countries there is continuing concern about the number of patients who develop a hospital-acquired infection quite unrelated to the reason for their admission ; about the accidents which happen to patients while they are in hospital ; about the perennial danger of fire in hospitals ; and about the dangers associated with the use of prescribed drugs in hospital .
17 This opinion is held by those who advocate a cognitive approach to learning .
18 I am sure that it will be fully appreciated by the people of Scotland when they assess the parties ' policies at the election , including the policies of those who advocate a lesser or greater degree of Scotland 's separation from the rest of the United Kingdom .
19 He to me was an example of one of the few untrained journalists who make a real success of TV news .
20 THE majority of farmers have done so much to ensure quality food , a healthy environment , a beautiful countryside and the welfare of their animals , yet too often , they are still viewed as the people who make a handsome profit producing food mountains and destroying the environment .
21 T is for Trimm Industries who make a huge range of PC cases
22 Knocking On The Dour Matthew Parris looks at parliamentary candidates who make a rosette-coloured spectacle of themselves as they learn the art of doorstep canvassing
23 It therefore creates something of a paradox which ensures that those who make a marginal move are inevitably referred back ‘ to the centre ’ , as being the realm of ‘ real policing ’ .
24 It is people fulfilling their role obligations to other people at work in the enterprise with its technology who make a social organization .
25 The idea behind the Package Travel , Package Holiday and Package Tours Regulations 1992 is good — it is to protect holiday-makers who book a packaged holiday .
26 In the middle are figures such as Godfrey Bradman and Stuart Lipton who build a great deal .
27 In The Hitch-hiker 's Guide to the Galaxy the author , Douglas Adams , describes a planet inhabited by a race of hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings who build a hyperintelligent computer to help them come up with the answer to Life , the Universe and Everything .
28 Organised at state level , the Guard is composed of part-timers who undergo a statutory period of training with the regular Army .
29 In order to earn her keep Diana joined the ranks of what she now dismissively refers to as the ‘ velvet hairband ’ brigade , the upper-class ladies who fit a loose template of values , fashions , breeding and attitudes and are commonly known as ‘ Sloane Rangers ’ .
30 The third example is a young man who falls into the rare category of those who pose a serious threat to public safety , a threat which in some instances exists for only weeks or months , although occasionally a person may remain potentially dangerous for some years .
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